Combustion The big bang or the little pop? Expectations - Take notes and write 3 test questions
What is combustion?
A noun1. the act or process of burning. Combustion is: A noun1. the act or process of burning. Chemistry -.rapid oxidation accompanied by heat and, usually, light. chemical combination attended by production of heat and light. slow oxidation not accompanied by high temperature and light. Violent excitement; tumult. A chemical process in which a substance reacts rapidly with oxygen and gives off heat. (NASA)
What is required for combustion to occur?
Components of the fire triangle. The fire triangles or combustion triangles are simple models for understanding the necessary ingredients for most fires. The triangle illustrates the three elements a fire needs to ignite: heat, fuel, and an oxidizing agent (usually oxygen).
Today we going to talk about the internal COMBUSTION Engine Why do you thing we are talking about the internal combustion engine in a chemistry class?
How many of you have ever operated a machine power by: a fuel What kind?
Small Engine Development Year 1680 Engine Gunpowder Designer/developer Christian Huygens 1698 Savery Pump Thomas Saverly 1712 Newcomen Steam Thomas Newcomen 1763 Watt Double-acting steam James Watt 1801 Coal gas/electric ignition Eugene Lebon 1802 High pressure steam Richard Trevithick 1859 Pre-mixed fuel and air Etienne Lenoir 1862 Gasoline Nikolaus Otto 1876 Four cycle gasoline 1892 Diesel Rudolf Diesel 1953 Die-cast aluminum B&S
Internal Combustion--Intro Engine designs can be classified by: Size Ignition system Strokes per cycle Cylinder orientationo Crankshaft orientation Control system Cooling system Most internal combustion engines are incredibly inefficient at turning fuel burned into usable energy. The efficiency by which they do so is measured in terms of "thermal efficiency", and most gasoline combustion engines average around 20 percent thermal efficiency Toyota has now developed a new gasoline engine which it claims has a maximum thermal efficiency of 38 percent--greater than any other mass-produced combustion engine. Diesels are typically higher--approaching 40 percent in some cases.
1. Engine Size E ngi ne s a re a va i l a bl e i n a w i de ra nge of s i z e s . Industry definition: “A small engine is an internal combustion engine rated up to 25 horsepower.”
1. Size - Largest The Wartsila-Sulzer RTA96-C turbocharged two-stroke diesel engine is the most powerful and most efficient prime-mover in the world today. The cylinder bore is just under 38" and the stroke is just over 98". Each cylinder displaces 111,143 cubic inches (1,820 liters) and produces 7,780 horsepower. Total displacement comes out to 1,556,002 cubic inches (25,480 liters) for the fourteen cylinder version.
1. Size - Smallest Not much bigger than a stack of pennies, the "mini engine" is the first engine of its size to deliver power on a continuous basis. Currently will produce 2.5 watts of electricity (0.00335 hp). Uses 1/2 fluid ounce of fuel per hour
An internal combustion engine (ICE) is a heat engine where the combustion of a fuel occurs with an oxidizer (usually air) in a combustion chamber that is an integral part of the working fluid flow circuit. A car is usually powered by a piston engine, a kind of internal combustion engine. It is so-called because fuel, usually petrol or diesel oil but sometimes hydrogen or liquefied petroleum gas, is burned (combusted) inside it. The engine converts the chemical energy stored in its fuel into movement or kinetic energy. Inside the heavy engine block are cylinders: Pistons fit snugly inside the cylinders. When the engine is running, the pistons turn the crankshaft via connecting rods, and the crankshaft turns the wheels.
The major goals of the Advanced Combustion Engine R&D subprogram are: GOALS-Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy (U.S Department of energy The major goals of the Advanced Combustion Engine R&D subprogram are: By 2015, increase the efficiency of internal combustion engines for passenger vehicles resulting in fuel economy improvements of 25 percent for gasoline vehicles and 40 percent for diesel vehicles, compared to 2010 gasoline vehicles. By 2020, improve the fuel economy of gasoline vehicles by 35 percent and diesel vehicles by 50 percent, compared to 2010 gasoline vehicles. March 2016 EERE Success Story—FCA and Partners Achieve 25% Fuel Economy Improvement in Light-Duty Advanced Technology Powertrain Engines of the Future (ASME) The push toward higher-efficiency engines will alter exhaust temperatures and chemistry and may create challenges for emission control technologies.
Why do you thing we talked about the internal combustion engine in a chemistry class?
Intake Compression Power Exhaust Suck Squeeze Bang blow