Autonomous Turf Mowers Travis McMahan
Achieving Automation Reliable obstacle detection Must be able to find obstacles as small as a golf ball, while not generating false positives Must detect obstacles to keep the vehicle safe (bunkers, ponds, cliffs) Operate with cm level precision to create the stripe patterns seen on elite golf courses Must be able to create patterns that cover the entire fairway in an efficient manner
Toro Triplex
Avoiding Obstacles INS/GPS systems Inertial sensors measure velocities and accelerations 3-D cloud image POS-LV system Sick laser scanner provides obstacle detection and mapping
color segmentation, distinguishes obstacles based on color stereo based homography to detect objects which lie above the ground plane color segmentation, distinguishes obstacles based on color backup detection system
Night Trial
Benefits reduction in reliance on skilled operators, less training, and reduces expanded hours of golf course availability.