The Jazz Age Maurice Ghazi Sunny
Context The Jazz Age was a period of time during the 1920’s which was also referred to as the Golden or Roaring Twenties. It originated in the United States, and was partly associated with the African American community, later finding its way to the UK and France. The Jazz Age came to light after the First World War, and lasted until the start of the Great Depression.
Prohibition and Alcohol The Prohibition of alcohol in the United States, which was passed by the U.S. congress, lasted from 1920 to 1933, overlapping with the events of the Jazz age. As a result of this, speakeasies selling illegal alcohol and hosting popular music and dance shows soon became the venue for all Jazz fans. This became a threat for the older generation that now viewed Jazz as a menace to traditional cultural values and a way of promoting the new decadent value of the Jazz age. Gatsby makes almost all of his money through the illegal sale of alcohol in his chain of drugstores. Alcohol was consumed in great amounts during Gatsby’s parties although it was illegal.
Booming Wealth Before the depression, the Jazz Age was a period of prosperity and possessions. Due to a rise of the stock market and post-war wealth, many began using credit, and overspending. Banks were open to debt and consumerism was on a high, which the American youth used for their lifestyles. Money allowed hedonistic lives and pleasure. Relation to the book: -Possessions in the novel, such as Tom’s and Gatsby’s cars represented his wealth and status. -Gatsby’s mansion, using money from bootlegging; Tom’s mansion -Life is linked to exceeding amounts of pleasure
Jazz Music and Dance Originally founded in New Orleans, the Jazz Age signalled the emergence of jazz music and jazz artists. While African Americans developed the genre, middle class and white Americans grew into the style. For women, jazz music symbolised their empowerment as popular artists such as Bessie Smith and Johnny Dodds emerged. Parties were all about the dancing and the jazz music. In parties, new dances such as the Foxtrot and Charleston were developed. The adults, religious conservatives, and traditionalists from older generations viewed the music, amongst other Jazz Age aspects, repulsive, immoral, and labelled it “the devil’s music”. Relation to the book: In Gatsby’s parties, the Foxtrot and Charleston were regularly mentioned. Jazz songs are mentioned throughout the novel, such as Ain’t We Got Fun (page 95) and Three O’Clock in the Morning (page 116). Page 40 - an example of a party
Women’s Empowerment The Jazz age represented an era of female empowerment for American women. → Female jazz icons emerged such as Bessie Smith, who used her role to voice her opinion on female suffrage, freedom of speech, and free will. Relation to Novel: Main characters such as Jordan Baker and Daisy Buchanan are portrayed as strong, youthful, and active women, who voice their opinions and act freely. Daisy is independent, and makes a living as a professional golf player. It is rare that a female excels and lives off of sports, especially in that time period.
Activity of the Youth The roaring 20’s are also known to be a time of sexual revolution. Dating was something relatively new, and deviated from older customs with regards to relations between males and females. Between 1919 and 1929, an average of 51% of young, unmarried women, would wake up no longer virgins. Sexual intercourse became a regular act between two people who did not necessarily intend to marry, and one was no longer expected to wait until marriage to lose one’s virginity.
Activity of the Youth - Connections. The book revolves around unfaithful sex and temporary relationships. The book represents a turning point in social relations as marriages and faithful relationships are corrupted with affairs and pre-marital sex. Ex: Tom and Daisy are married, yet Tom has an affair with Myrtle Wilson, and Daisy with Gatsby. “ We’re getting off, “ he insisted. “ I want you to meet my girl.” p. 24