Introduction To A New Beginning Our Journey Together Introduction To A New Beginning
WE ALL HAVE CHANGED IN A WEEK This is a change that is drastic to some, and not so for others. We all have anxiety when change occurs. Rodger is gone and now, I am here. I get that you all loved and appreciated Rodger for his 16 years with you. What you need to remember is that (obviously), I am not Rodger. There should always be a special place in your heart for him.
Just because we are different does not mean the message from the pulpit will be different. Every preacher that teaches the truth uses methods that vary, but the truth does not change. It should not change, and sadly it has in many places. Congregations that had a reputation for holding to the truth have lost that recognition. This is nothing new, because the church at Ephesus in Revelation 2 did the same thing.
My Ground Rules #1 I AM YOUR SERVANT I am here for you. The title of minister should be appropriate here because my job is to minister to your NEEDS. Notice, I did not say wants. My job is really no different than what God has commanded each and everyone of us. To help you get to heaven is my number one duty.
As a result of my preaching, you should learn the tools you need to make yourself into the Christian that God wants you to be. Christ has a similar job—to help people get to heaven. The Holy Spirit has the same goal and purpose. The elders have this same goal. Every member needs to understand that they have the same mission.
I will teach, but I cannot make you learn. You have to want to do that on your own. #2 DO NOT FORGET THAT I AM YOUR SERVANT
#3 I NEED YOUR PRAYERS I have taken on this great responsibility, and I do so humbly. I am human and I do make mistakes. I need wisdom James 1:5 Besides, we are all in this together. And God commands us to pray for one another.
#4 I NEED YOUR INPUT Different people understand at different levels. Some people process things differently than others. Some may think with an analytical mind, others with a mechanical mind, some use common sense, and some are just idiots. OK, that was meant to be funny. So, I need your help.
If for any reason, you do not understand what I have said, please ask me to explain. I sometimes take for granted that the members have a clear understanding of the scriptures, and that is not always the case. Do not be afraid to ask me any questions. I do not want to leave anyone behind simply because they did not ask or were unsure of what I have spoken. Honestly, sometimes I have bad breath, and if you catch wind of it, pass me a mint. I will not be offended, and you would not want me to offend any visitors.
Sometimes, when trying to be forceful in making a point, someone might consider me to be arrogant in my speaking. Mean spirited, belligerent, and other things that might be called or charged. Believe me, that I have no intention to come across as any of these things. If you think my preaching touches on these areas, please let me know. Do not hold back, as I need to know what I must do to improve and be effective in my preaching.
What Should I Expect From You? Basically, everything I have just lined out. #1 DO NOT BLINDLY ACCEPT WHAT I PREACH Once again, I remind you that I am human and can make mistakes. Now, I take this seriously, and make the effort to keep my preaching in line with God’s word and message. Sometimes, I mis-quote scripture or get some mixed up. Please bring this to my attention. I do not want there to be any opportunity for anyone to accuse me of teaching error.
#2 LETS STUDY TOGETHER I Realize that there are issues around the brotherhood. Some are made into doctrinal issues and some are nothing more than personal views. Either way, such can cause division. Jesus and Paul warned about putting stumbling blocks before our brethren. We do not want to do that. I am not aware of what problems may be facing this congregation now or in the past. I would hope that we can sit down, and open our bibles and let God instruct us. Whatever, we need to agree that the Bible is the ultimate authority given us by God to settle such matters.
I request from each one of you that you plan to ask one person to visit us here to worship God. Just ONE person this year. I request from each family to set up one bible study in your home. Only one (unless you want more). You may invite only members, and hopefully you can invite your neighbors or friends. I am not afraid for you guys to wear me out doing this work.
Such bible study will be a time to get together for some social interaction, and then get some spiritual nourishment. Only one invite, and only one bible study should not be too much to ask (each year). Since it will be in your home, you can choose the subject you want to discuss. I guarantee that there will be spiritual growth taking place whenever we get together to study God’s word.
Finally Let’s have some fun. Remember in some of the sports movies how everyone was trying so hard that they forgot to have fun? Then when they got back to their childhood memories, they started having fun, and the winning began. Yes, we have to work hard, but we also know that our efforts will pay off. So let us enjoy this journey and get along with each other.
Conclusion I look forward to this new journey, and I ask you to join me. Remember, we are in this together, and we need each other as much as we ever have. The salvation that God provides is available if we will just do our part and obey Him. Invitation