Teaching the “whole counsel of God” (Acts 20:27)


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Presentation transcript:

Teaching the “whole counsel of God” (Acts 20:27) Welcome to our service Please visit our website: www.livingstonesnewforest.org.uk

Revelation 7 – “Who shall be able to stand?” Teaching the “whole counsel of God” (Acts 20:27) Revelation 7 – “Who shall be able to stand?” Please visit our website: www.livingstonesnewforest.org.uk

A parenthetic chapter that answers the question, “Who is able to stand Four angels waiting to hurt the earth No wind – like the doldrums Impending escalation of judgement Ezekiel 18 verse 23 – no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but pleased when they repent and live Ezekiel 33 verse 11 – same sentiment An opportunity to save evangelistic servants Probably the greatest number of people saved in the shortest period of time ever The hurt to come from the four quarters of the earth, delivered by powerful angels But everything held in stillness while the servants are sealed

Sealing of the servants Not a new concept Cain marked so no one would kill him (Gen 4 v 15) The Angel with the inkhorn (Ezekiel 9) We are sealed with the holy spirit (Ephesians 1 verse 13) Matt 27 v 66 – the tomb was sealed Revelation 20 v 3 – the pit is sealed Romans 4 v 11 – Abraham’s circumcision 1 Cor 9 v 2 – Converts a seal of Paul’s Apostleship Revelation 7 v 3 - Sealed from judgement Ezekiel 9 – sealed from judgement 2 Tim 2 v 19 - a seal also mean belonging or possession 1 Peter 2 v 9 – we are a people for God’s own possession In both cases this means to close in A sign or seal of authenticity

Who are the sealed servants? 144000 from the twelve tribes of Israel 12000 from each tribe NOT JEHOVA’S WITNESSES Approx 250,000 enrolled, so a bad organisation to join! No Gentiles, only Jews What about the names? Why a list that omits Dan and Ephraim? 29 times the tribes are listed – often differences but always 12 Sometimes Dan, Menasseh,Levi, Ephraim or Joseph omitted (Joseph because of the inclusion of his 2 sons)

Who are the sealed servants? In Genesis 35 verses 22 to 26 is the first mention In Ezekiel 48 v 30 & following is the last mention In Rev 7 Dan and Ephraim missing but Menasseh and Joseph included Judges 18 v 30 & 31 – Dan set up a carved image in Shiloh 1 Kings 12 verses 28 – 30 – two calves of gold in Bethel and Dan under Jereboam Bethel in Ephraim’s territory – Hosea 4 v 17 Deuteronomy 28 v 58 Deuteronomy 29 v 18 - 21 Same list same order Plagued and name cut off from among the tribes for idolatory

The sealed servants God had to judge Dan and Ephraim to fulfil His word Perhaps when we get to The Millennium the list will be as it was in Genesis and Ezekiel? God said he would never wipe out the Jews - Jeremiah 30 v 11 Israel will always exist – Jeremiah 31 v 37 – these tribes are still part of Jacob (Israel). They are 144000 redeemed virgins devoted only to The Lamb They are also evangelists

The fruit of the sealed servants They are referred to as the ‘first-fruits unto God’ How did they come to know God? Possibly the Messianic Movement converted Possibly because of the witness of the rapture Some say because of the two witnesses in Rev 11 – this interferes with the chronological view of the text After these things Converts from every people, tribe, tongue and nation – not Jews For the Amillennialist – not converted by the church The church told to preach to the Jew first, now the Jew preaching to the Gentile

The fruit of the sealed servants All nations, tribes, tongues and peoples Clothed in white Washed in The Blood Palms – speak of worship and adulation – connection with Tabernacles Crying out, “Salvation” as an offering to God Elders did not know who they were 2 Thess 2 v 10 – those who wilfully reject Him will be deluded

The fruit of the sealed servants Promises Before the throne of God – a special place promised Serving Him day and night – to serve God is a great honour In His temple – speaks, I believe, of the Temple in the millennium Will not hunger or thirst any more – so others will if they are not sealed The sun will not strike them – significant because this is part of the coming judgement Nor any heat – again, the time to come will be unbearably hot For The Lamb will shepherd them – as in Psalm 23 Fulfilment also of Isaiah 25 v 8

Teaching the “whole counsel of God” (Acts 20:27) Welcome to our service Please visit our website: www.livingstonesnewforest.org.uk