PREACH THE WORD 2 Timothy 4:1-5.


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Presentation transcript:

PREACH THE WORD 2 Timothy 4:1-5

BACKGROUND & INTRODUCTION Before we consider our lesson text in 2 Timothy 4:1-5, I want to briefly notice some things Paul said to Timothy both before and after our lesson text In CH3:1-9, Paul warned Timothy that in the last days perilous times will come He wore no clothes, did not live in a house, but in the tombs (graveyard)

BACKGROUND & INTRODUCTION In CH3:10-13, Paul reminded Timothy of his manner of life and the things Paul had endured as an apostle and preacher of the gospel In CH3:14-17, Paul encouraged Timothy to continue in the things he had learned and from childhood Timothy had known the Holy Scriptures, which would make him wise unto salvation He wore no clothes, did not live in a house, but in the tombs (graveyard)

BACKGROUND & INTRODUCTION Just after our lesson text in CH4:6-8, Paul declares his realization that the time of his departure was at hand He had fought the good fight, finished the race, kept the faith A crown of righteousness was laid up for Paul, which the Lord would give him on that day He wore no clothes, did not live in a house, but in the tombs (graveyard)

BACKGROUND & INTRODUCTION In the midst of Paul’s discourse to Timothy, he issues an important charge to Timothy as recorded in 2 Timothy 4:1-5 It is the elements of this charge we will consider in our study today He wore no clothes, did not live in a house, but in the tombs (graveyard)

A CHARGE IS ISSUED (V1) Q: What is a charge? A responsibility or obligation to perform a task in a prescribed manner This charge carries the weight of a command Whether they realize it or not, like Timothy, all preachers and teachers of the gospel today have been given this same charge

A CHARGE IS ISSUED (V1) This charge was issued before God and the Lord Jesus Christ God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ were witnesses to the issuing of the charge They would be watching Timothy Preachers and teachers today must also recognize God and Jesus are carefully watching and listening

A CHARGE IS ISSUED (V1) A reminder, Jesus will one day judge the living and the dead Timothy, like all men, will one day stand in judgment before the Lord To give an account of his stewardship Likewise, preachers and teachers of today will one day stand in judgment before the Lord and give an account of their stewardship

A CHARGE IS ISSUED (V1) A reminder, Jesus will one day judge the living and the dead Preaching and teaching the word of God is a very serious matter Recall the warning in James 3:1 “My brethren, let not many of you become teachers, knowing that we shall receive a stricter judgment”

SPECIFICS OF THE CHARGE (V2) Preach the word “The word” informs us that a specific word is under consideration Boundaries are established for what a preacher can and cannot teach This deals with the subject of authority “The word” is a reference to the word of God

SPECIFICS OF THE CHARGE (V2) Preach the word Preachers and teachers must adhere to the standard of God’s word, without adding to it or taking away from it (Revelation 22:18,19) Preachers and teachers must prepare themselves to teach through reading, study and meditation (2 Timothy 2:15, 1 Timothy 4:12-16)

SPECIFICS OF THE CHARGE (V2) Preach the word Excludes preaching the doctrines & commandments of men There is no salvation in the doctrines & commandments of men Preaching & teaching that saves souls must be based on the word of God The gospel is God’s power to save (Romans 1:16, James 1:21)

SPECIFICS OF THE CHARGE (V2) Be ready (instant, KJV) To be an effective preacher or teacher, one must be prepared (2 Timothy 2:15, 1 Peter 3:15, Ephesians 6:14,15) May be called upon at a moment’s notice to deal with some spiritual subject Dealing with a subject instantly and effectively requires preparation and familiarity with God’s word

SPECIFICS OF THE CHARGE (V2) In season and out of season Generally, to be prepared to preach and teach the word of God at all times There is never a season that the word of God (the gospel) is not needed The urgency is always there, particularly among God’s people, because the ever present danger of apostasy

SPECIFICS OF THE CHARGE (V2) In season and out of season Whether it is seasonable for men or not (Thayer) Regardless of whether the listeners think it is convenient or not Regardless of whether the people are receptive to the message or not The preacher or teacher is not relieved of his responsibility to teach

SPECIFICS OF THE CHARGE (V2) Convince, rebuke, exhort Convince (Reprove, KJV & NAS) To find fault with for the purpose of correction (Thayer) To convict (convince) one of their error Rebuke To tell a fault

SPECIFICS OF THE CHARGE (V2) Convince, rebuke, exhort Exhort To call or summon to one’s side (Thayer) To encourage To urge someone to pursue a proper course of conduct (Vine)

SPECIFICS OF THE CHARGE (V2) With all longsuffering and teaching Longsuffering is a necessary quality of effective teaching Preaching and teaching can at times be difficult and challenging Discouragement, frustrations from resistance & opposition Consider Moses, the OT prophets, Jesus (Matthew 23:37), Paul, etc.

SPECIFICS OF THE CHARGE (V2) With all longsuffering and teaching In spite of these challenges and difficulties, the preacher and teacher cannot afford to quit The work is much too important He must stay the course and keep teaching the truth (2 Timothy 2:24-26)

WHY THIS CHARGE (V3 & V4) They will not endure sound doctrine Sadly, a failure to endure (unfaithfulness) has plagued God’s people from the beginning of time OT: Adam & Eve, Israel (in the wilderness, during the Judges & Kings) NT: Jews, Ephesian elders (Acts 20:28- 31), Galatians, Hebrews, 5 of the 7 churches of Asia (Revelation 2 & 3)

Imparts spiritual life and regulates our spiritual health (James 1:27) WHY THIS CHARGE (V3 & V4) They will not endure sound doctrine Sound doctrine: Wholesome (healthy) teaching from God’s word Imparts spiritual life and regulates our spiritual health (James 1:27) Promotes fellowship with God and prepares us to meet Him in judgment (1 John 1:1-4, John 12:48)

Directs our path to heaven (Psalm 119:105) WHY THIS CHARGE (V3 & V4) They will not endure sound doctrine Sound doctrine: Wholesome teaching from God’s word Fosters proper relationships with our brethren and with those of the world (1 Peter 1:22, Colossians 4:5) Directs our path to heaven (Psalm 119:105)

WHY THIS CHARGE (V3 & V4) They have itching ears They have an itch they want someone to scratch (tickle their ears, NAS) False teachers are ready and willing to scratch their itch Telling them what they want to hear instead of what they need to hear This is nothing new (Isaiah 30:8-11, Jeremiah 8:10-12)

WHY THIS CHARGE (V3 & V4) Will heap up for themselves teachers Those who place their personal desires above the will of God will find there are many false teachers willing to support them in their error Heap (Thayer): Accumulate in piles, to choose for themselves and run after a great number of teachers False teachers exist in large supply

WHY THIS CHARGE (V3 & V4) They will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables Sadly, some willingly exchange God’s truth, His soul saving gospel, for fables In spite of the best efforts of faithful preachers and teachers They reject God’s preventative medicine against such behavior

WHY THIS CHARGE (V3 & V4) They will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables Fable: That which is fictional, an invention, a falsehood as opposed to spiritual truth See 1 Timothy 1:3,4; 2 Peter 1:16-21 Turning aside to fables will cause people to lose their souls, unless they repent

THE CHARGE REINFORCED (V5) But you be watchful in all things Be watchful (sober, NAS) Be on guard because dangers to God’s people abound (1 Peter 5:8)

THE CHARGE REINFORCED (V5) Endure afflictions Stand for the truth even if it comes with a price The truth won’t always be popular The truth may bring with it a negative backlash from those who resist and oppose the truth In spite of these things, continue to stand for and proclaim the truth

THE CHARGE REINFORCED (V5) Do the work of an evangelist Evangelist: Ev = Good + Angelist (Angel) = Messenger Be a good and faithful messenger of God and continue to proclaim the good news/good message (the gospel)

THE CHARGE REINFORCED (V5) Fulfill your ministry Completely (fully) carry out your responsibility (charge) as a minister of God’s word Don’t leave any part of the work undone. Q: Why? The eternal destiny of souls is at stake

IN CONCLUSION In 2 Timothy 4:1-5, we are reminded of the great and serious responsibility placed upon preachers and teachers of the gospel to “preach the word” Paul did not directly address those who would hear Timothy’s preaching, however they also bore great and serious responsibilities in this matter Responsibilities that are applicable to us today as listeners of the gospel

IN CONCLUSION As gospel listeners we have a responsibility to… Demand our preachers and teachers speak the truth and only the truth as revealed in God’s word Following after a lie will not get us to heaven

IN CONCLUSION As gospel listeners we have a responsibility to… Hold our preachers and teachers accountable for what they teach Challenge teaching not in agreement with God’s word (Acts 17:11, 1 John 4:1, Matthew 15:14) Requires we do some studying on our own (2 Timothy 2:15)

IN CONCLUSION As gospel listeners we have a responsibility to… Be willing to accept convincing (reproving), rebuke and exhortation as revealed and mandated in God’s word These are administered for our spiritual and eternal good Don’t despise the chastening of the Lord, He loves us (Hebrews 12:5,6)

IN CONCLUSION As gospel listeners we have a responsibility to… Endure sound doctrine It is only those who endure faithfully until the end who will be saved (Matthew 10:22, Revelation 2:10)

IN CONCLUSION As gospel listeners we have a responsibility to… Guard against the danger of having itching ears Instead of seeking out and encouraging false teachers, we must soundly reject them and their doctrine Place the will of God above our own, crucify self (Galatians 2:20, 5:24)

IN CONCLUSION As gospel listeners we have a responsibility to… Be thankful for preachers and teachers willing to stand for the truth and declare to us the whole counsel of God (Acts 20:27) Express our gratitude to our preachers and teachers when they adhere to the truth of God’s word

IN CONCLUSION Thus, I hope from this study we can see the importance and the urgency of the charge to…