Revelation 5
1. What was the purpose of a scroll in the ancient world? The scroll was a book 2. Ezekiel was given a similar scroll. See Ezekiel 2:9–3:1. What similarities do you see between the scrolls? Both had words on both sides It was a revelation of future events that might be scary 3. What challenge did the angel pose to all creation? What dilemma did this challenge create? The angel asked for someone to open the scroll There was no one worthy to do it.
4. Why did John cry when he saw that no one could open the scroll? It appeared as if there was no one in control 5. Jesus stepped forward. He is the solution to the dilemma. Note the symbolism with the lion (Genesis 49:9,10) The Lion is a symbol of power and might the shoot from the stump (Isaiah 11:1,10) Emphasizes that Jesus is a descendant of David and truly human the Lamb (John 1:29) Jesus is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world
6. Evaluate this statement: In one respect, it was good that no one was found to open the scroll. It was good that Satan or some other wicked ruler could not open the scroll 7. What impact do these verses have on how you view the future? Jesus has it all under control. In the end…we win!
Revelation 5:6b-14 1. How can Jesus be both a lion and a Lamb at the same time? Lion demonstrates his power and control Lamb as perfect lamb of sacrifice 2. When Jesus took the scroll, the living creatures and the elders fell down and worshiped him. How do their words of praise fit with everything we have seen in the first part of the chapter? Jesus is the only one worthy to control the future because he purchased us with his blood. 3. What did the angels say as they praised the Lord? What did all creation say? Note they sang 7 words of praise – power, riches, wisdom, strength, honor, glory and blessing Creation sang four words of praise – blessing, honor, glory and might In 4:11 three words of praise to the triune God
4. One commentator pointed out that some creatures in Revelation have eyes and some have horns. But only Jesus has both horns and eyes. Why is this comforting? Horns are a symbol of power Eyes a symbol of insight and the power of the Spirit Only Jesus knows what to do and has the power to do it 5. What is the significance of the seven horns and seven eyes? Why is this symbol comforting for us? 7 is the number of God’s covenant with man Jesus will use His power and insight to carry out his covenant 6. Why can we sleep easy tonight? Jesus is in control
Revelation 6:1-8 1. Draw up a list of the signs of the end times using Matthew 24:3-15. There will be false prophets, wars, hostility among nations, famine, earthquakes, persecution, people fall away from faith, and the preaching of the Gospel into the entire world. 2. Using the clues from this chapter and the items on Jesus’ list of signs, what happens when the first seal is broken? Compare the horse and rider to that of chapter 19:11-16 we conclude that the white horse represents the Gospel being preached in the whole world 3. Using the clues from this chapter and the items on Jesus’ list of signs, what happens when the second seal is broken? War, hostility among nations
Matthew 24 False Christ’s v. 5 Wars and rumors of wars v. 6 Famines v.7 Pestilence v. 7 Lk 21:11 Earthquakes v. 7 Persecution v.9 Apostasy v. 10 False Prophets v. 11 Love growing cold v. 12 Gospel spread v. 14 End will come v. 14 The white horse v. 1-2 Red horse v. 3-4 Black horse v. 5-6 Pale sickly horse v. 7-8 Earth quake v. 12 Souls under the altar v. 9-11 The end v. 12-17
Temple Mount Stones from Temple Mount in Jesus Day. “I tell you the truth, not one stone here will be left on another; every one will be thrown down.” Matthew 24:
4. Using the clues from this chapter and the items on Jesus’ list of signs, what happens when the third seal is broken? Food is the focus. The price and commands imply scarcity 5. Using the clues from this chapter and the items on Jesus’ list of signs, what happens when the fourth seal is broken? People killed in many ways 6. Review the theme of chapters 4 and 5. Compare this with how each seal is introduced. How does the method in which the seals were opened correspond to the theme of chapters 4 and 5? The Lamb opens the seals, one of the four living creatures summons the horse who does what God had written on the scroll – Jesus is in control 7. What evidence do we see that the seals are being opened right now? We see it in the news
Revelation 6:9-17 1. From the clues in Revelation and from Jesus’ list of events that must happen before the end of the world as signs of his second coming, what does the opening of the fifth seal represent? the persecution of God’s people 2. From the clues in Revelation and from what Jesus tells us in Matthew 24:29-30, what does the opening of the sixth seal represent? The end of the world
3. Analyze the confession that terrified unbelievers will make on the Last Day. The Lamb has come to get us and we want to hide from His wrath 4. How do we feel about the prospect of persecution coming into our lives? Scared, but let’s read Acts 5:41 and James 1:2 We can rejoice that we have been counted worthy to suffer for the Name of Jesus 5. How will we feel on the Last Day, when many are mourning? It will likely be scary, but we can look up and rejoice because our final redemption has arrived! We get to go to heaven!