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Presentation transcript:

LOCATION OF CONVERSIONS IN ACTS (“Book of Conversions”) Cards 23-26 LOCATION OF CONVERSIONS IN ACTS (“Book of Conversions”) SAMARITANS & EUNUCH ACTS 8—EUNUCH After preaching the gospel in may cities of the Samaritans, the disciples went back to Jerusalem. Philip did not go with them, for the angel of the Lord spoke to him and said, “Arise and go towards the south, to the road which goes down form Jerusalem to Gaza. Philip soon saw a fine chariot. In the chariot a black man was sitting, reading aloud to himself from the Old Testament book of Isaiah. The Spirit of God told Philip to go join this man in the chariot. “Do you understand what you are reading about?” Philip asked “How can I, unless someone will explain it to me?” answered the black man. “Come up into the chariot and tell me what it means.” So Philip climbed into the chariot and explained the scriptures to him, and as they rode along, they can to a small pool of water, and the Eunuch asked to be baptized. After Phillip baptized him they went their separate ways. When the Eunuch reached his home, he must have told all his friends about the wonderful things he had heard. ACTS 8

LOCATION OF CONVERSIONS IN ACTS (“Book of Conversions”) PAUL ACTS 9 ACTS 9—PAUL Among the Pharisees was a young man named Saul. Like all the other Pharisees, Saul hated the followers of Jesus and did everything he could to make trouble for them. Saul was on his way to Damascus, when suddenly a light streamed from Heaven. Saul heard a voice out of Heaven saying, “Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?” Saul was blinded and very frightened and asks, “Who is speaking to me?” The voice said, “I am Jesus of Nazareth. I am the one against whom you are fighting.” Paul humbly said, “Lord, what do you want me to de?” Jesus answered, “Stand up, Saul; I have appeared to you to show you that after this you are not to fight against me any more.” From that minute Saul became a changed man. Later his name was changed to Paul

LOCATION OF CONVERSIONS IN ACTS (“Book of Conversions”) CORNELIUS ACTS 10—CORNELIUS None of the followers of Jesus thought of telling the Gospel to Greeks and Romans and others who were not Jews. The apostles had not yet learned that Jesus wanted them to go into all the world and tell all people about him. Not far from Joppa, where Peter was staying, was a place called Caesarea. In this city lived a Roman soldier named Cornelius. He was a centurion, which means a captain over a hundred men. Cornelius was a good man who worshiped God and was generous to the poor. One day he had a vision and an angel told him to send to Joppa for a man named Simon Peter. While in Joppa, Peter was on a roof top and God showed him a vision 3 times. Peter learned from this vision that he must not call any man common or unclean. After he went to Cornelius’ house he told his family and friends that he now saw that God does not love lonely the Jews, but that in every nation, God loves those who love Him and try to please Him. At last Peter understood what Jesus meant when he said, “Go ye into all the world.” ACTS 10

LOCATION OF CONVERSIONS IN ACTS (“Book of Conversions”) LYDIA ACTS 16 ACTS 16—LYDIA Some time after Paul and Silas traveled to Philippi in Macedonia, on the Sabbath they went down to the river to speak to the women who were gathered there. One of these, Lydia, a seller of purple cloth, asked to be baptized. She then invited Paul and Silas to stay in her house

LOCATION OF CONVERSIONS IN ACTS (“Book of Conversions”) JAILER ACTS 16—JAILER Paul and Silas returned regularly to the river to pray. One day they met a young slave girl whose owners made money out of her by exploiting her gifts as a fortune-teller. She followed the two men, talking and shouting wildly. Paul saw that she was possessed by an evil spirit, so he commanded the spirit in Jesus’ name to leave her. At once the girl became calm, but when the spirit left her so did her powers of seeing into the future. This angered her owners who were no longer able to make money from her. They followed Paul and Silas into the marketplace, where they had the apostles arrested and brought before the magistrate for unlawfully disturbing the peace. On the magistrate’s orders, the disciples were stripped, beaten and thrown into jail, where they were fastened by their feet in the stocks. At midnight, as Paul and Silas were praying an praising God, the prison was shaken to its foundations by a great earthquake: all the doors flew wide open, and everyone’s chains were loosed. The jailer awoke with a start. Seeing every door standing open, he assumed the prisoners had escaped. Knowing the punishment he would receive for this, he drew his sword and he would have killed himself but Paul cried, “Put away your sword! We are all here! The jailer fell on his knees before the disciples. “What must I do to be saved?” he asked. Paul later baptized him and all his household. ACTS 16

LOCATION OF CONVERSIONS IN ACTS (“Book of Conversions”) CORINTHIANS=AQUILA & PRISCILLA ACTS 18 ACTS 18—CORINTHIANS=AQUILA & PRISCILLA Leaving Athens, Paul came to Corinth, another city of Greece. He stayed there about two years, living with a Jew named Aquila and his wife Priscilla. Together they made tents. And on every Sabbath Day Paul preached to Jews & Greeks about Christ. Several years later, Paul wrote two letters to the Christians of Corinth. (I and II Corinthians)

In all the Acts Conversions what did each one of them do? Cards 20-22 In all the Acts Conversions what did each one of them do? Eunuch?-----------------Acts 8 Paul?----------------------Acts 9 Cornelius?-------------Acts 10 Lydia?--------------------Acts 16 Jailer?--------------------Acts 16 Aquila & Priscilla—Acts 18 What are the steps we must take today to have eternal life in heaven?

Cards 23-26 ACTS 20:7 “AND UPON THE FIRST DAY OF THE WEEK, WHEN THE DISCIPLES CAME TOGETHER TO BREAK BREAD, PAUL PREACHED UNTO THEM READY TO DEPART ON THE MORROW; AND CONTINUED HIS SPEECH UNTIL MIDNIGHT.” QUOTE ACTS 20:7 And upon the first day of the week,--This is the first time that we have mentioned services “Upon the first day of the week.” Paul had written First Corinthians before this; in that letter he had designated that collections or contributions should be taken on the first day of the week, (I Cor. 16:2) He tells us that he had given the same “order to the churches of Galatia.” (I Cor. 16:1) This shows that it had become a well-established Custom for the early Christians to meet on the first day of the week; this custom is now a command.

QUOTE ACTS 20:7 “And upon the f______________day of the w____________________, when the d___________________ came together to b__________________b__________________, Paul p_____________________unto them, ready to depart on the m_________________; and continued his speech until m________________.” Is this the first time that we have mentioned services “upon first day of week? Who had come together this day? For what purpose had they come together? Who preached unto them? Was he going to leave them tomorrow? How long did he preach? Was this a custom for the early church to meet on the first day of the week? This custom is now a what?

LAST HALF OF ACTS TELLS OF PAUL’S THREE MISSIONARY JOURNEYS AND TRIP TO ROME After Paul became a Christian, he traveled widely to spread the word about Jesus. He used the network of roads that the Romans had built throughout their empire. Paul was a Roman citizen and this gave him freedom of movement and some protection on his journeys. On Paul’s first journey he traveled around the eastern part of the Mediterranean Sea to spread the message of Christianity. On his second journey, Paul, with a friend named Silas, traveled farther afield. He preached in the great cities of Philippi, Ephesus, and Athens and Corinth in Greece. On his third missionary journey, Paul stayed for some time at Ephesus. Paul was arrested when he returned to Jerusalem to care for the Christians there. His last long journey took place because he asked to be taken to Rome to state his case to the emperor. When they eventually reached Rome, Paul was put under house arrest.

LAST HALF OF ACTS TELLS OF PAUL’S Three missionary journeys Trip to Rome Both of the above 1. How did Paul become a Christians? (Tell the story of him on road to Damascus) 2. After Paul became a Christian what did he spend his time doing? 3. Did he travel by bus or train? 4. What did he use instead? 5. Paul was born where and was a citizen of this place? 6. Because he was a citizen there did it give him some protection to move about? 7. How many missionary journeys did Paul go on? 8. On his second who was the friend that traveled with him? 9. Paul’s main goal was to spread the message of what? 10.What happened to Paul when he returned to Jerusalem after 3rd journey. 11.Where did Paul’s last long journey take him? 12. After reaching this journey Paul was put under what?

NAME THE EPISTLES (LETTERS) WRITTEN BY PAUL Colossians 1st & 2nd Thessalonians 1st & 2nd Timothy Titus Philemon (Possibly Hebrews) Romans 1t & 2nd Corinthians Galatians Ephesians Philippians The fastest way for Paul to travel was on horseback and by ship, which was how letters were carried from place to place. When Paul could not be with new groups of Christians, he wrote letters to them about following Jesus During his imprisonment in Rome Paul wrote many letters of encouragement to the Christian churches he had helped establish. These letters include Romans, 1st & 2nd Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1st & 2nd Thessalonians, 1st & 2nd Timothy, Titus, Philemon (Possibly Hebrews)

NAME THE LETTERS WRITTEN BY PAUL 1st & 2nd C______________________ G______________________ E______________________ P______________________ C______________________ 1st & 2nd T______________ 1st & 2nd T_______________ T____________ P____________ (Possibly) H______________ How did Paul travel in Bible times? Paul in prison in R____________when he wrote many letter. He wrote these letters to encourage who?

ROMANS MESSAGE OF ROMANS – THE GOSPEL IS God’s POWER TO SAVE ALL WHO BELIEVE ROMANS 1:16 ROMANS ..the very title of this book conjures up images of the powerful empire that ruled the western world. To people of Paul’s day, Rome was the center of the world in every way; law, culture, power, and learning. A letter to this sophisticated audience had to be impressive indeed. In Romans, Paul brilliantly set down the whole scope of Christian doctrine, which, at the time, was still being passed along orally from town to town. Paul wanted to convince those demanding readers that Christ held the answers to all of life’s important questions. Literary types are often asked questions like this: “What one book would you most want along if you were stranded on a deserted island?” If asked that question about a single book of the Bible, many Christians would choose Romans. Compact, yet all=encompassing, it summarizes the Christian faith.

MESSAGE OF ROMANS – THE GOSPEL IS GOD’S Instruction that you can read and follow if you want to. Message that don’t apply to us today. Power to save all who believe. In Paul’s day was Rome the center of the world in law, power, and learning? Did a letter to the Romans need to be most impressive? During this time the Christian doctrine was being passed along how? Paul wanted to convince those Roman readers that Christ held what? What one book would you most want along if your were stranded on a deserted island? Romans is compact, all encompassing, it summarizes the what?