Health Information Exchange with Michigan Medicine and Epic June 9th, 2017
Agenda Michigan Medicine HIE Strategy Current Epic Tools and Applications Future Epic Tools and Applications Questions
Overall HIE Strategic Goal at Michigan Medicine: Enhance patient care and safety through sending, receiving and consuming all clinical data on the Michigan Medicine patient population in the most efficient, effective, and seamless manner
Strategic Goals: 1. Data Sharing 2. Data Acquisition Focus and improve the work with HIE services that can transfer the most useful health information in the most efficient manner 2. Data Acquisition Continue to acquire and integrate data which enables clinical departments to access outside information 3. Clinical Workflow Choice Work with providers to integrate patient care data in the clinical workflow context, aligning with Michigan Medicine clinical goals 4. Incentives and Regulatory Comply with HIE regulation(s)-based programs
Current Epic Tools and Applications
Care Everywhere Query Michigan Medicine went live in 2014 Connect with other organizations to pull their records Conduit to reconciling Meds, Med Allergies, PSLs, and Imms
Care Everywhere Direct Messaging Connected Epic instance with Great Lakes Health Connect (GLHC) Medicity HISP in 2014 Individual Direct Addresses for each provider, along with 22 departmental Direct Addresses Michigan Medicine processes Direct Messages through a single workflow via HIM and M-Line Discharges Referrals ED Project In 2016, processed over 37,000 Direct Messages from over 150 organizations
Care Everywhere Auto-query In 2015, Michigan Medicine went live with Auto-query Configured to query other organizations who are near patient’s listed home and work address 3 days before an encounter it will automatically query to pull records from other Epic organizations Significant improvement in matches
Care Everywhere Clinical Value Research study conducted through Michigan Medicine’s Emergency Department Compared Fax to HIE outcomes
EpicCare Link Michigan Medicine went live in 2014 Fill a need for external users being moved off CareWeb To restrict unfettered data access Read-only web-based view of Michigan Medicine Epic instance Branded as the Provider Portal Specific access for Research Users, Insurance Auditors
EpicCare Link Stats 13 User Types Currently Offered 3700+ Users 1100+ Unique Sites
GLHC Functionality Built into Epic 1. 2. 3.
GLHC Functionality Built into Epic
MiHIN Functionality Built into Epic
MiHIN Functionality Built into Epic
MiHIN Functionality Built into Epic
Future Epic Tools and Applications
Need a Single View of Patient Data Application Location of Data Care Everywhere Tab Other Clinical Systems Tab Written into HSDW Media Tab Media Tab and Paper Radiology Information Systems Few locations for outside records in the chart would be ideal
Happy Together is a design philosophy that creates views of patient data from both internal and external data sources Clinical information from outside institutions are built into the provider context Leverages the data received from Care Everywhere Michigan Medicine considering how to expand data set (GLHC, MiHIN, etc.)
Michigan Medicine is in the process of implementing Carequality Addresses issues with receiving non-Epic information from outside the state of Michigan Built into the workflow of Care Everywhere Allows for the auto-query of CCDAs
+ Michigan Medicine intends to implement the Surescripts National Record Locator Service Addresses issues with finding where patients have gotten care Leverages the prescription information to determine where patients have been seen and provides lists of visits Built into the workflow of Care Everywhere
Questions? Jeff Chin Manager, Health Information Exchange and Interoperability HITS Data, Reporting, and Analytics 734.232.1760 (Office) Jeremy Akins Epic Care Everywhere Technical Services