UNIVERSITY 101: LIBRARY ORIENTATION Miller F. Whittaker Library South Carolina State University Orangeburg, SC 29117 Spring 2017
WHAT WE ARE COVERING Introduce freshman and transfer students to: Customer oriented services, resources, and operations of the Miller F. Whittaker (MFW) Library MFW Library Website Resources for finding books, e-books, and journal articles. Bibliographic Citation Avoiding Plagiarism Strategies to complete the Library’s component of University 101
STUDIES SHOW… Students who use the library have a higher cumulative GPA than students who do not. (Soria, et. al.) Users of Library Services Average GPA Non-users of Library Services Average GPA 3.18 2.98 Soria, Krista M., et. al., “Library Use and Undergraduate Student Outcomes: New Evidence for Students’ Success and Retention” Libraries and the Academy, Vol. 13, No. 2 (2013), pp. 147-164. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, MD.
INTRODUCTION Miller F. Whittaker Library Built in 1968 Named after Dr. Miller F. Whittaker, the University’s third president. Is centrally located on campus. Holds over 1.4 million books, periodicals, and other resources. Dr. Ruth Hodges is the Interim Dean of the Library
Hours of Operation Library Hours* Monday - Thursday 8:30 a.m. – 10:00 p.m. Friday 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Saturday 12:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Sunday 3:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. *Computers on 15 min. after opening and shutdown 15 min prior to closing
CUSTOMER SERVICES AND OPERATIONS Primary customer service areas include: Reference and Information Services Circulation Services SC State Historical Collection & Archives
Our Website The Library’s web site provides you access to a variety of library services and resources Find books in the library by accessing the online catalog: Click online catalog on library’s Web page Review ways of searching online catalog (author, title, keyword) See next slide for examples author, keyword, and title searches
ONLINE CATALOG Topic I: What books were written by Richard Wright?
ONLINE CATALOG Topic I: What books were written by Richard Wright?
ONLINE CATALOG Topic II: What books are on plant growth?
ONLINE CATALOG: CALL NUMBERS Call numbers are used to locate books on shelves in the library Call numbers are based on the Library of Congress Classification System, based on letters and numbers
ONLINE CATALOG: CALL NUMBERS Reference Book (1st Floor) Circulating Book (2nd and 3rd Floors) (Can not be checked out) (Can be checked out) REF LB LB 2343.32 2342.32 .F37 .C633 1988 2007 Call numbers are typically vertically located on the spine of a book as shown above. The library has both non-circulating (can not be checked out) and circulating books (can be checked out) books. Printed on the spine of books usually as given in examples below
ONLINE CATALOG: STACK DIRECTORY Example of the Stack Directory REF. (Reference) – 1st FLOOR STACKS (Non-circulating) A – M - 2ND FLOOR STACKS N – Z - 3RD FLOOR STACKS ARCH. (Archives) – 3RD FLOOR ROOM 309 (Non-circulating) JUV. (Juvenile) – 1st FLOOR – COMPACT SHELVING SPEC. C. (African American and African Diaspora) – * SPEC. C. books are retrieved by Circulation Staff (Non-circulating) The library’s stack directory indicates which floor a book is located. To know the location of a book, look up the first letter of the call number on the stack directory. For example, books beginning with the call number “L” are located on the second floor of the library LB Spec. C. Books are located on the 1st floor 2343.32 .G68
BOOKS NOT IN CATALOG Books not found in online catalog may be obtained via: Ebrary Academic Library Complete E-book Collection Interlibrary Borrowing Services Interlibrary Loan PASCAL (Partnership among South Carolina Academic Libraries) Delivers
ELECTRONIC RESOURCES: ACADEMIC SEARCH COMPLETE Is one of over 70 databases accessible via the library’s Web page. Is very comprehensive and interdisciplinary. Contains numerous full-text journal, magazine, and newspaper articles on a variety of disciplines (social sciences, humanities, science & technology, and general interest). available through the PASCAL system provided through the South Carolina State Library. To access Academic Search Complete click on: Electronic Resources on library’s home page then, Click on All Subjects then, Click on Academic Search Complete Includes citations, abstracts, full-text articles, and images
Academic Search Complete: WAYS OF SEARCHING Search by: Subject – Allows browsing a controlled list of terms compiled by database developers. Advanced search – Allows Boolean searching (e.g., using AND, OR, NOT to combine terms). Keyword search – Allows inputting key terms from topic, article title, abstract, etc. Also allows Boolean searching. Academic Search Complete can be searched by subject, advanced search, and keyword search.
Academic Search Complete: EXAMPLE SEARCH Topic: What are the politics of rap music? Conduct a keyword search Input search terms as politics AND rap music Use the above example to conduct a search on the topic “What are the politics of rap music?” Note major search terms within the topic that are connected using the BOOLEAN operator AND, denoting you want these terms found together.
Academic Search Complete: EXAMPLE SEARCH Key or major terms are input into the advanced search box above, which have drop-down menus for selecting the desired BOOLEAN operator. Here, we use AND. The sidebar beneath the search box contains the number of search retrieval and ways of better focusing search by clicking boxes such as “full-text,” “scholarly(peer reviewed) and then click “update.”
BIBLIOGRAPHIC CITATION The push and pull of hip-hop: a social movement analysis. (Author abstract) Erin Trapp American Behavioral Scientist July 2013 v48 ill p 1482 Title of article Author of article Title of Journal Date of publication Volume of publication Publication page number After you have retrieved all of the information needed to write your paper, you may be required to cite articles or sources in the paper. In order to do this, you need to know not only what type of document it is (book, journal, newspaper, etc.) but also know the parts of a citation. Make sure when citing references to include all parts of the bibliographic citation.
AVOID PLAGIARISM Give credit to those whose works you use in your research paper. Cite references within research paper. List cited references on Reference or Bibliography page. Consult style manual as guide to citing references. Consult course instructor for recommended style manual. See Citation and Writing Style Guides on library’s Web page. Another reason for citing your works is to help you avoid plagiarism. Plagiarism is using other people’s created works without giving them credit. Thus, the above suggestions show be followed in order to avoid plagiarism.
SUMMARY The MFW Library provides access to a variety of services and resources to assist with your information seeking needs. Obtain assistance with information seeking from services such as: Reference and Information Archives Online catalog used to find books. Check out materials, including reserves, from Circulation desk. Materials not found by library can be obtained via Interlibrary loan & PASCAL Delivers.
SUMMARY Electronic Resources used to find journals, magazines newspapers, and E-books. Style manuals can provide guidance on avoiding plagiarism and on citing references. Course instructor should be consulted for recommended style manual.
Enter your first name and last initial For your nickname: Enter your first name and last initial
THINGS TO DO TO COMPLETE UNIVERSITY 101 Go to library homepage *Click on University 101 Review Library University 101 Presentation Print and Complete the Library Treasure Hunt Submit completed assignment to the Library by March 7, 2017 Complete Library Survey Immediately following this presentation, submit completed survey to library personnel standing at the end of your row or at the exit door.