IMPACT SAMR Cover Sheet Teacher: Kimberly Jack Louisiana Science Inquiry Standard (include description): Predict the stable ion(s) an element is likely to form when it reacts with other specified elements (PS-H-C2) ; Relate gravitational force to mass and distance (PS-H-E1) Use technology when appropriate to enhance laboratory investigations and presentations of findings (SI-H-A3) Predict products (with phase notations) of simple reactions, including acid/base, oxidation/reduction, and formation of precipitates (PS-H-D3) Calculate pH of acids, bases, and salt solutions based on the concentration of hydronium and hydroxide ions (PS-H-D2) Task Overview Learning Objective(s) Suggested Technology Students will analyze the pH of soil in different areas of the community. Calculate pH of acids, bases, and salt solutions based on the concentration of hydronium and hydroxide ions (PS-H-D2) Internet connected device Vernier software ClassFlow Students will create an activity series of the metals used in several reactions. Predict products (with phase notations) of simple reactions, including acid/base, oxidation/reduction, and formation of precipitates (PS-H- D3) Students will build models of atoms/ions and describe the properties of each atomic particle. Use technology when appropriate to enhance laboratory investigations and presentations of findings (SI-H- A3) Predict the stable ion(s) an element is likely to form when it reacts with other specified elements (PS-H-C2) PhET Students will investigate the relationship between mass and the force of gravity. Relate gravitational force to mass and distance (PS-H-E1) Use technology when appropriate to enhance laboratory investigations and presentations of findings (SI-H-A3) REDEFINITION Technology allows for the creation of new tasks that were previously not conceivable. transformation MODIFICATION Technology allows for significant task redesign.. AUGMENTATION Technology acts as a direct tool for substitution with some functional improvement. enhancement SUBSTITUTION Technology acts as a direct tool for substitution with no real change.
Technology acts a direct substitute, with no functional improvement Force of Gravity Students will investigate the relationship between mass and the force of gravity. SUBSTITUTION Technology acts a direct substitute, with no functional improvement Choose 6 objects in the classroom and describe them in the table below. Be sure to choose objects with a wide range of masses. Suspend the spring scale off the side of your lab station from a pencil, pen, etc… Hang each item from the spring scale and record the force of gravity in Newtons. (Use string if necessary.) Place each object on the electronic balance and record the mass in grams in the table. (If you needed to attach string to the object in step 3, you should include the string on the balance as well.) Convert each mass into kilograms and record new values in the table. (1 kg = 1000 g) Using LoggerPro, graph the Force of Gravity (N) vs. Mass (kg) of all your objects. Be sure to add a line of best fit (treadline) and R2 value to your data. This task uses: Vernier LoggerPro Software Handout Learning Objective(s): Relate gravitational force to mass and distance (PS-H-E1) Use technology when appropriate to enhance laboratory investigations and presentations of findings (SI- H-A3) 7. Choose appropriate models to explain scientific knowledge or experimental results (e.g., objects, mathematical relationships, plans, schemes, examples, role-playing, computer simulations) (SI-H-A4) TEACHER NOTES: Teacher’s name/email: Kimberly Jack School: LaGrange High School Louisiana State Standard: Relate gravitational force to mass and distance (PS-H-E1) Grade Level/Subject: Physics Special Directions/Considerations: Activity Evaluation: Prerequisites for students: Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry
A Atomic Structure Students will build models of atoms/ions and describe the properties of each atomic particle. AUGMENTATION Technology acts as a direct tool for substitution with some functional improvement. Go to the following: and click Play, then select Atom. Part I Use the tools to build any three, different types of atoms and fill in the information on the worksheet. Part 2 Create a Hydrogen (H) atom (1 proton, 1 neutron, 1 electron). Follow the directions, observe what happens and complete the table below. (You need to RESET back to your original Hydrogen (H) atom (1 proton, 1 neutron, 1 electron) after you make each change!) Answer the questions that follow. Part 3 Click Symbol at the very bottom of the simulator window. Pick three, new atoms to create. Display a sketch of the atom as well as how it would appear on the Periodic Table. Answer the questions that follow. This task uses: Internet-connected device. Handout Learning Objective(s): Predict the stable ion(s) an element is likely to form when it reacts with other specified elements (PS-H-C2)) Use technology when appropriate to enhance laboratory investigations and presentations of findings (SI-H-A3) 7. Choose appropriate models to explain scientific knowledge or experimental results (e.g., objects, mathematical relationships, plans, schemes, examples, role-playing, computer simulations) (SI-H-A4) TEACHER NOTES: Teacher’s name/email: Kimberly Jack School: LaGrange High School Louisiana State Standard: Relate gravitational force to mass and distance (PS-H-E1) Grade Level/Subject: Physics Special Directions/Considerations: Activity Evaluation: Prerequisites for students: Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry
significant task redesign. M Activity Series Students will create an activity series of the metals used in several reactions. MODIFICATION Technology allows for significant task redesign. Type the following link. Go to Activity 1 in the simulation, pick one of the metals and follow the instructions to test its interaction with each of the solutions. In a word document, create a data table to record your observations in a data table. (Describe any evidence you see for a chemical reaction. Describe any changes you see in the metal. Describe any changes you see in the solutions. Repeat this process with each of the metals. Write a chemical equation for each reaction. (If a reaction occurred, write a balanced chemical equation. If a reaction did not occur, write N.R. on the product side.) Create a data table that ranks the metals in order of reactivity (most active to least active). Print your data tables. Analyze your data and write a conclusion. This task uses: Internet-connected device. Handout Learning Objective(s): Use technology when appropriate to enhance laboratory investigations and presentations of findings (SI-H-A3) 7. Choose appropriate models to explain scientific knowledge or experimental results (e.g., objects, mathematical relationships, plans, schemes, examples, role-playing, computer simulations) (SI-H-A4) Predict products (with phase notations) of simple reactions, including acid/base, oxidation/reduction, and formation of precipitates (PS-H-D3) . TEACHER NOTES: Teacher’s name/email: Kimberly Jack School: LaGrange High School Louisiana State Standard: Relate gravitational force to mass and distance (PS-H-E1) Grade Level/Subject: Physics Special Directions/Considerations: Activity Evaluation: Prerequisites for students: Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry
R pH of Soil Students will analyze the pH of soil in different areas of the community. REDEFINITION Technology allows for the creation of new tasks that were previously not conceivable. Create a video that documents the collection of 10 soil samples from 10 unique areas of their assigned areas. Bring the samples to school and prepare the samples so that the pH of the soil can be determined. Use the Vernier probes to test the pH of the soil samples(video documented) and create a computer generated data table. Upload to the computer for peer review. Compare and contrast the pH results of your samples to students from other groups. Use the discussion board to indicate factors that contribute to any unacceptable pH values in your area. Suggest ways to change/improve the quality of soil in the areas that are negatively affected. Write a conclusion. This task uses: Internet connected device Vernier Probes Lab Materials and equipment Learning Objective(s): Use technology when appropriate to enhance laboratory investigations and presentations of findings (SI-H-A3) Calculate pH of acids, bases, and salt solutions based on the concentration of hydronium and hydroxide ions (PS-H-D2) TEACHER NOTES: Teacher’s name/email: Kimberly Jack School: LaGrange High School Louisiana State Standard: Relate gravitational force to mass and distance (PS-H-E1) Grade Level/Subject: Physics Special Directions/Considerations: Activity Evaluation: Prerequisites for students: Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry