OUTLINE OF THE PRESENTATION Pseta Establishment Vision and Mission Scope of Coverage Main Parastatals Training Lay-off Scheme Pseta Intervention Plan Structures to Support the Plan
PSETA ESTABLISHMENT PSETA mandate is in terms of the Skills Development Act No. 97 of 1998 Current tenure is 01 July 2005 to 31 March 2010 It was established with the exception that it is not a levy income based SETA but operates through an allocation from National Treasury via DPSA providing mainly for employee compensation and operations and not training implementation. For 2009/10 the allocation amounts to only R21million. PSETA is exploring other funding model to improve on its current status. Est. i.t.o Section 5(1) (b) (i) SAQA) Act of 1995, as an ETQA body
VISION AND MISSION Vision To meet the current and future public sector needs for skilled and competent workers through the effective provision of quality-assured, relevant and accessible education and training. Mission To develop a dedicated, skilled and productive public service workforce through the effective coordination of skills development, continued education, learnerships and training programmes for workers in the public sector
SCOPE OF COVERAGE All National departments All provincial departments Department of Trade and Industry and Department of Foreign Affairs Parastatals (Not Elsewhere Classified) Identified National Departments – 100%, eg. DPSA, Home Affairs, DoL Other Departments – Transverse skills, eg SMS and MMS Policy development; Strategic planning and management; Leadership; Client service; Administration; Project management; etc.
MAIN PARASTATALS National Nuclear Regulator The Competition Tribunal Gauteng Partnership Trust EU Legislatures Support Program
TRAINING LAY-OFF SCHEME INTRODUCTION The Training Lay-off Scheme as defined will not necessarily apply to the public sector Most institutions falling under our scope of coverage are not facing “distress” as described in the scheme Nevertheless as PSETA we have a role to play in advancing the objectives of the scheme, especially in developing the skills of those employees who will be affected by the lay-offs, even in other sectors
TRAINING LAY-OFF SCHEME INTRODUCTION PSETA has identified R5 million in its Discretionary Fund which it could use in response to this initiative PSETA views the Scheme to be one that should go beyond the three months period, hence its planned intervention is to ensure that targeted employees should end up being gainfully employed or re-employed
PSETA INTERVENTION PLAN Identify distress level among Parastatals registered with PSETA with a view to supporting training of affected employees. The survey is being conducted and will be done end October 2009. Partner with LGSETA – to adopt one municipality to offer assistance to address complaints coming out of the recent protests targeted at the lack of service delivery – results of competence levels within these municipalities. Agreement with the SETA will be concluded by mid October 2009. Partner with Energy SETA – to adopt 10 small electrical contractors that are in distress with a view to assisting them apply for scheme funding through the CCMA. Agreement with the SETA will be concluded by mid October 2009.
PSETA INTERVENTION PLAN Request for proposals from all National and Provincial Departments that might have challenges of supernumerary employees who could be retrained. Proposals to reach PSETA by 23 October 2009 Use Recognition of Prior Learning for redirecting skills development. This project will be implemented at staggered phases depending on response received. Partnering with FET Colleges to link learners completing the National Certificate on Vocational Training with departments for placement. The survey is being conducted and will be done end October 2009. Partnering with other SETAs to use the sector as a workplace learning to provide requisite skills
PSETA INTERVENTION PLAN Work with CCMA to determine people who have been retrenched who have particular skills but have not done trade tests. Our support will be to help them do trade tests and avail them for take-up by those government departments that need their skills. Our Sector Skills Plan will help target such employees. Projected time for completion of this task is end of September. The timeframe to complete the preliminary investigation phase is end October 2009
PSETA INTERVENTION PLAN RPL STRATEGY The PSETA plans to re-direct workers through Recognition of Prior Learning-(RPL). RPL seeks to re-skill and up-skill workers by officially recognizing skills that workers may have obtained during their life experience; Workers with officially recognised skills will be: re-directed to sectors not severely affected by the recession; Up-skilled workers maybe re-deployed at higher - skills required -levels and encourage self-employment; The PSETA to partner with sectors (technical, e.g. Public Works and Government Garage), who have already identified focus areas and requisite skills to jointly fund such project implemented utilising the RPL mechanism; 12
STRUCTURES TO SUPPORT THE PLAN Grants Disbursement Fund which has an amount of R5 million The Grant Disbursement Policy which needs to be amended to incorporate support for the training lay off scheme. Training Lay-off Implementation Committee which will oversee implementation of the Plan