Physical Education Contract 8th Grade
Regulations Five minutes at the beginning and end of the period will be given for the changing of clothes. After changing, the students will enter the gym under the direction of the teacher and will immediately sit in their assigned squads. Students must remain in the locker room, not in the hallway or gym, until the bell rings. Once class starts, the locker room doors will be locked and not opened until the end of class. 2
Medical Notes If a student needs to be excused from class, one day or longer, he/she must present the note to the nurse at the beginning of that school day. Long term medical excuse (more than 1 week) must be signed by a doctor and specific about limitations and adaptations. Any student who does not participate in PE class, with or without a parent/doctors note, must complete a written assignment to fulfill their participation requirement for that day’s class. Each student will receive a letter grade for each marking period. There will be no medical excuse grades given. 3
Valuables No books, book bags in gymnasium. You are responsible for your valuables. Make sure your locker is locked at all times. No jewelry is permitted (allowed). Exception: stud earrings No watches, bracelets, necklaces, silly bandz, hoop earrings
Grading Each student starts each marking period with 100 points. Participation: each student is expected to participate to the best of their ability in each and every Physical Education class. (–5 points for lack of participation) 5
Preparation A complete change of clothing is required to receive credit for being prepared for each class: (-5 points for lack of preparation) A Sandy Run uniform is required (shorts and shirt which can be purchased at the school store). Do not alter the uniform. Appropriate athletic footwear (no hiking boots) and socks Sweat clothing or warm-ups should be worn during cold weather on top of the uniform. Only your last name is permitted on the back of the Physical Education t-shirt and right leg of the shorts. No aerosol deodorant products are permitted in the locker room. (-10 points are deducted when you are not prepared and do not participate.) 6
Fitness Testing Fitness testing is a requirement for all students. Fitness Tests include sit-ups, pull-ups, sit & reach, 1 mile run, shuttle run Fitness testing may occur periodically throughout the year. Make-up testing times will be announced during regular P.E. classes 7
8th Grade PE Activities
8th Grade Fall Activities Recreational/Cooperative Games Tennis Frisbee Games Cross Country Fitness Testing
8th Grade Winter Activities Badminton Pickle Ball Basketball Volleyball Weight Training Floor Hockey 10
8th Grade Spring Activities Softball Dance Orienteering Lacrosse Field Hockey Recreational/Cooperative Games 11
Special Events 8th Grade Spirit Day (Friday, February 4, 2011 from 12:00-3:00) Purchase your team color t-shirt at the school store Will be held at the high school in the new gym during school. Turkey Trot (day before Thanksgiving) 1 mile charity race (all proceeds go to charity) Catered lunch Random prize drawings