Transition to Reception
Transition to Reception Reception TA’s as lunch time supervisors Team Teaching in the Foundation Stage Reception prayers Visits to the Reception Classes (every Tuesday) Attending assemblies Proud achievements to show Reception teachers All children are very secure in EYFS area/ unit with weekly visits taking place throughout the year on mini jobs – tasks – joint lessons – bug day activities
Writing Name writing- no capitals please - Purposeful writing and mark making Pencil grip Play dough – pinching, squeezing with thumb and forefinger. Who can make the longest snake? Threading – beads, pasta, straws. Let’s all make a necklace. Picking up small objects – use tweezers and pipettes/eye droppers. How many peas can you put in this pot? Finger rhymes – stretching, curling fingers. Water play – using spray toys and spray bottles. Let’s go outside and water the flowers. Craft activities – glue sticks and paint brushes. Make a collage with lots of fine papers and decorate it with sequins. Icing cakes – using a plastic dispenser to push and squeeze out the icing. Strengthening activities – swinging from the climbing frame or grasping to climb and crawl. What can you do to help your child naturally use the tripod grip? Instead of sitting at a table to draw, have the child draw and play with a fat crayon on a vertical surface — an easel, a large piece of paper taped to the wall, a wall-mounted white board or a chalkboard. We've found that a fat crayon works better than a felt-tip marker or pencil, so we highly recommend the use of crayon. All Foundation Stage children should use triangular shaped pencils (available in writing, colouring and felt tips). This will foster and encourage a correct grip.
Phonics Letter and sounds- phase 1- rhyming and alliteration. Phase 2 as per handouts. Jolly phonics- emphasis on letter ‘sounds’ rather than letter names. Refine pronunciation of sounds avoiding ‘uh’e.g: sssssssss not ‘s-uh’ Unless you are 100% confident please do not teach reading – if a child is taught incorrectly it takes a lot longer to undo the misconceptions Only use the phonics sheets Nursery teachers have given you.
Reading Bug Club - Every Monday in PACT Folders- add comments and feedback in Purple booklets. Discuss details in illustrations, illustrator, author, predict how the story may end, give names to the characters, what do you think will happen next? How do you think he/she is feeling? Why? Using pictures for clues- all help as visual cues when learning to read. Please continue to read over the summer – let the children guide the books also – imaginative stories
Counting Problem solving skills – adding one more than, finding the total number- practical application of skills Recognising number beyond 20, understanding their value Teddies in the box game Have fun – counting step – numbers on doors, buses, setting the table – how many forks altogther
Helping at Home Some useful websites Jolly Phonics letter sounds - early years – counting games If using the computer - ipad for interactive games ensure you are always playing and interacting with your child – much more purposeful
Attendance and Uniform Parents Questions Thanks for attendance Reception Induction Meeting 12th July 6.30pm Kay Stage 1 Hall