Friday Briefing 16.09.16 Topic: This week we have been learning classroom routines and what to do at lunch times. We have started to learn the names of the characters from the ‘oxford reading tree’ books. Next week we will start our topic ‘Traditional tales’ with a special focus on ‘The three little pigs.’ We will also have our first PE lesson on Tuesday morning. Phonics: phase 1 of ‘letters and sounds’. We have been listening and copying rhythms, matching object to their sounds and singing alphabet songs. Next week we will continue revise phase 1 and gradually move onto phase 2 in the middle of the week. Maths: singing number songs, counting and playing number games on the carpet. Morning challenge 8.40 - 8.50am: Monday-Wednesday: challenges around the classroom Thursday: Library day Friday: Friday briefing Next week: 8.40-2.55 Learning Logs sent out on Thursday and back on Tuesday. Class Bear..