Creating a Cooler Phoenix February 7, 2017
Causes of the Urban Heat Island Creating a Cooler Phoenix Heat released from buildings Lack of shading Heat released by traffic Building Materials Reduced air flow Longwave radiation Creating a Cooler Phoenix Creating a Cooler Phoenix
Urban Heat Island (UHI) Effect Creating a Cooler Phoenix 1150 1100 1050 1000 5PM (High) 800 750 700 650 5am (Low) Desert Xeric Urban Mesic Agriculture Creating a Cooler Phoenix
Phoenix AZ Mean Average Temperature Creating a Cooler Phoenix 1895 - 2016 800 750 700 670 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2010 Creating a Cooler Phoenix Creating a Cooler Phoenix
Creating a Cooler Phoenix More hot days 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 Arizona State Climate Office Creating a Cooler Phoenix Creating a Cooler Phoenix
Creating a Cooler Phoenix Projected warming Southwest National Climate Assessment Creating a Cooler Phoenix Creating a Cooler Phoenix
Phoenix Children’s Hospital Effects of Heat on Urban Systems Water Use Economy Public Health Zone 10 Ashley McKnight/GPCC) Phoenix Children’s Hospital Energy Demand Air Quality Thermal Comfort AZ Capital Times Chad Bricks/12 News Hondula et al Creating a Cooler Phoenix Creating a Cooler Phoenix
Principles for creating a cooler phoenix
Principles for Creating a Cooler Phoenix Different and the same Extreme heat Urban heat island 1. The effects of extreme heat and uhi can be addressed to maximize thermal comfort and cooling and minimize energy and water use, especially in the urban core. Creating a Cooler Phoenix Creating a Cooler Phoenix
Principles for Creating a Cooler Phoenix Extreme Heat Urban Heat Island Seek comfort from the heat Reduce night-time temperatures Creating a Cooler Phoenix Creating a Cooler Phoenix
Urban heat island and extreme heat ≠ One solution Principles for Creating a Cooler Phoenix Principles for Creating a Cooler Phoenix Principle 2: Urban heat island and extreme heat ≠ One solution Creating a Cooler Phoenix Creating a Cooler Phoenix
Principles for Creating a Cooler Phoenix The Urban Heat Island and Extreme Heat do not have a uniform impact across Phoenix and strategies to respond to its effects will vary from one location to another. Urban form Street Orientation Wind Vegetation Materials used in buildings/pavements On-site design Creating a Cooler Phoenix Creating a Cooler Phoenix
Principles for Creating a Cooler Phoenix
Principles for Creating a Cooler Phoenix Prioritize (a) The hottest areas of Phoenix Creating a Cooler Phoenix Creating a Cooler Phoenix
Estimated surface temperature at noon – June 26 Surface temperatures Phoenix Metro July 24, 2000 at 11:00 am Creating a Cooler Phoenix Creating a Cooler Phoenix
Principles for Creating a Cooler Phoenix (b) Prioritize Vulnerable Populations Principle 3: 3b. Vulnerable populations and areas with little shading and public cooling opportunities Creating a Cooler Phoenix Creating a Cooler Phoenix
Creating a Cooler Phoenix Harlan, S. L., Declet-Barreto, J. H., Stefanov, W. L., & Petitti, D. B. (2013). Neighborhood Effects on Heat Deaths: Social and Environmental Predictors of Vulnerability in Maricopa County, Arizona. Environ Health Perspect, 121, 197-204 Creating a Cooler Phoenix Creating a Cooler Phoenix
Principles for Creating a Cooler Phoenix (c) Prioritize high-use public routes Principle 3: 3c. Enhanced shade throughout the city especially where thermal comfort is important such as high use public walking routes and transportation nodes *Tree and Shade Plan Ixnayonthetimmay Creating a Cooler Phoenix Patrick Breen Creating a Cooler Phoenix
(d) Prioritize cool islands Principles for Creating a Cooler Phoenix Principles for Creating a Cooler Phoenix David Sailor 1100 F Principle 3: (d) Prioritize cool islands 3d. Developing cool islands where people are concentrated 720 F Creating a Cooler Phoenix Creating a Cooler Phoenix
(e) Prioritize Projects in the design stage Principles for Creating a Cooler Phoenix Principles for Creating a Cooler Phoenix Vernon Avenue Pocket Park, Christian Block, Shine Coffee Principle 3: (e) Prioritize Projects in the design stage 3e. City infrastructure projects that are in the design stage that could support cooling elements, such as buildings, streets and landscaping. **Downtown Phoenix Plan** Creating a Cooler Phoenix Creating a Cooler Phoenix
Principles for Creating a Cooler Phoenix (f) Prioritize adding cooling guidelines to city zoning and design revisions Creating a Cooler Phoenix Creating a Cooler Phoenix
Foster Broad Public Support Principles for Creating a Cooler Phoenix Principles for Creating a Cooler Phoenix Principle 4: Foster Broad Public Support 4. Implementing strategies to address uhi and eh cannoth be done solely by the city and the city alone. Broad public support is critical to success. Creating a Cooler Phoenix Creating a Cooler Phoenix Creating a Cooler Phoenix NEWS-PRESS Staff Photo
Creating a Cooler Phoenix Recommendation: ASU is offering to bring expertise, resources and institutional knowledge to the City of Phoenix to coordinate strategies and actions to limit the adverse impacts of the Urban Heat Island on City operations, constituents, and customers. Creating a Cooler Phoenix Creating a Cooler Phoenix
Principles for Creating a Cooler Phoenix Creating a Cooler Phoenix Questions? Contact: Melissa Guardaro Creating a Cooler Phoenix Creating a Cooler Phoenix
Creating a Cooler Phoenix
Phoenix summer days are warming… Creating a Cooler Phoenix Last 50 years: Summer daytime highs increase about 2°F Creating a Cooler Phoenix Creating a Cooler Phoenix
…and summer nights are warming 2X faster Creating a Cooler Phoenix Last 50 years: Summer nighttime lows increase about 4°F Creating a Cooler Phoenix Creating a Cooler Phoenix
Creating a Cooler Phoenix Longer summers Creating a Cooler Phoenix Creating a Cooler Phoenix
Creating a Cooler Phoenix