Darwin v. Lamarck Theories of how Species Change
Variations, acquired, genetic, mutations, adaptation, evolution Key Terms: There are ____________ among species of similar populations. ___________ Traits are traits an organism obtains within its life; ex. Learning to play the piano. ___________ Traits are traits an offspring gets passed from the parent through DNA; ex. Eye color. ___________ are slight differences from parent to offspring because of a change in DNA. An ___________ is a trait or behavior that helps an organism survive and reproduce. ______________ is the change in a species over time. Variations, acquired, genetic, mutations, adaptation, evolution
Lamarck: Inheritance of Acquired Traits (1st proposed Theory) Frequent and vigorous use of a body part led to a slight increase in its size (acquired trait). Ex: Muscles, wings, tails, necks, etc. That acquired trait is passed on to the offspring.
Due to the discovery of genetics… Scientists learned __________ traits could NOT be passed on to offspring. ONLY, ____________ traits (DNA). Example: If a parent lifts weights often and obtains large muscles, the large muscles will not be passed to the offspring. Acquired, genetic
Variations, mutations, genetic Darwin/ Wallace: Natural Selection “Survival of the fittest” (Theory supported today) _____________ of a particular species occur naturally, due to ____________. Some are more beneficial to surviving in the environment . The individuals with the __________ traits more beneficial to the environment are more likely to survive and reproduce offspring with those traits. Variations, mutations, genetic
Protective Coloration Migrating Large Beak Mimicry Playing Dead Examples of traits/adaptations helpful in survival … Structural or Behavioral? Protective Coloration Migrating Large Beak Mimicry Playing Dead S, B, S, S, B
Natural Selection Crash Course After watching the video, describe how the peppered moth is an excellent example for Natural Selection. Be sure to use the following key terms: variation, mutation, genetic trait, offspring, best suited
Example Answer: The Peppered moth is an excellent example of natural selection. The moth population had a mutation in coloring which lead to variation among the species. The dark moth was best suited when the environment became polluted. So, it passed the genetic trait to its offspring.
After observing the simulation, describe how the “beetles” are an example of Natural Selection. http://sciencenetlinks.com/media/filer/2011/10/07/evolution.swf
Example Answer: The beetles represent natural selection because the green/orange beetle best suited for the environment (non-polluted/polluted) survived and reproduced like beetles.