How were groups legally discriminated against? Jim Crow & Segregation How were groups legally discriminated against?
Legal Discrimination (De jure segregation) 1877: Although 15th Amendment gives all citizens the right to vote, there are certain voting restrictions in the south: Literacy tests Poll Tax Jim Crow Laws (De jure) State laws that allowed for segregated public & private facilities (schools, restaurants, theatres, public transit, etc) Most laws unchallenged even though 14th Amendment states equality under the law Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) Homer Plessy (1/8th black) tries to challenge Jim Crow Laws while riding on trains that cross state lines (ICC should cover this) Sup. Court rules “separate but equal” is not a violation of 14th Amendment
Racial Etiquette (De facto segregation) Social customs regulate relationships between whites & blacks Many want blacks to have “step & fetch” mentality African Americans who didn’t “follow custom” could face violence & death (lynching) 1882-92: 1,400 blacks are killed for not following “etiquette” Discrimination outside the South (De facto) North: Blacks forced into segregated neighborhoods, labor unions disallow black membership, blacks fired before whites -West: Native Americans forced to live on reservations, children to boarding schools West: Many Mexicans forced into debt peonage (forced to work until your debt is paid off), some segregation West: Most Chinese segregated in schools (esp. California)