Aquatic Systems and Conservation Biology Kline Biology
Sunlight and Aquatic Biomes Photic = Light Photic zones – Zones where sunlight penetrates the water, Where aquatic producers live Aphotic zones – No light penetrates these zones because it is too deep, no producers Which zone supports the most biotic factors?
Salinity and Temperature Salinity – Amount of salt in the water Temperature – decreases as you go deeper into the ocean
Types of Aquatic Biomes Saltwater – Ocean biome Freshwater – Lakes, Ponds, Rivers, Streams Estuary – Where rivers flow into the ocean, Contains brackish water = mixture of salt and freshwater.
Ocean Layers ?v=Lt7b8_kBjYM What are the 3 main zones of the ocean? How do these zones differ? Which zone has the most biodiversity? Why? If you were sitting on the beach, what zone would you be in?
Estuaries HdfH6z46XUQ What are some other names for an estuary? What types of things do wildlife animals depend on estuaries for? Why should estuaries be protected?
Conservation Biology Renewable Resource – cannot be used up, can be replenished Nonrenewable Resource – can be used up, cannot be replaced
Ecological Footprint The amount of land necessary to produce and maintain enough food, water, shelter, energy, and waste n/index.php/GFN/page/calculator s/
Global Warming Greenhouse effect – occurs when carbon dioxide, water, and methane molecules absorb energy reradiated by Earth’s surface and slow the release of this energy from Earth’s atmosphere. ATJCugs
Biomagnification A pollutant moves up the food chain as predators eat prey, accumulating in higher concentrations in the bodies of predators. Zombie Gators
Zombie Gator Article Silently read the article and answer the following questions. You must answer in complete sentences.– 30 point assignment How does the term biomagnification relate to the zombie gators? What was the ultimate cause of the alligator deaths? Draw an ecosystem with ALL the biotic and abiotic factors mentioned in the article. Be sure to draw your arrows correctly. The arrows represent energy flow, so they should point toward the organism receiving the energy when drawing a feeding relationship. Example - Gizzard Shad Alligator (5pts) (5pts) (20pts)
Zombie Alligators – Lake Griffin, Fl https://www.youtu 7o90Wza9vgw (45min) https://www.youtu C4zHUokFF8 (5min)
Threats to Biodiversity Habitat Fragmentation – barriers that break up forests (like highways) Habitat Loss – deforestation, destruction of a habitat
Wildlife Corridor A bridge or tunnel that connects two forests that are separated by a roadway or other barrier.
Introduced Species Non – native species – species that are not native to the area that threaten the indigenous species Pythons in the Everglades
Python Article and Video Silently read the article and answer the following questions. You must answer in complete sentences.– 30 point assignment What do you think would happen if the python population was left unchecked? What is the niche of the Burmese python? How was the study with the marsh rabbit “controlled?”
Conservation Sustainability – using natural resources responsibly so that future generations are not harmed During this video, list a minimum of 10 things you could do yourself to be more sustainable.