Howdy Y’all 7th grade TX History 7th grade Pre AP TX History Teacher Websites: OR Scan code for our websites Finally, a homework assignment specifically for parents. We will be emailing you to keep you better informed about class events. We need your help with creating our distribution lists correctly. Please send an email to your child’s teacher NO LATER THAN FRIDAY AUGUST 25th at the email address on the cover page. In the subject line, please type your child’s full name and Texas History class period. In the body of the email, please type: “My child and I have read and understand the classroom expectations and procedures for Texas History class. I will assist the teacher in maintaining <child’s name here> success in Texas History.” In response, your child’s teacher will email you a 10-point bonus coupon for you to print in color and sign for your child. This one-time “free” bonus coupon can be used on any daily or major grade assignment, but not on the semester exams. We will then add your address to that appropriate distribution list. If you would like these emails sent to more than one email address, feel free to email your child’s teacher from all addresses you want included in the distribution list. However, the bonus coupon limit is 1 per student. No email? No problem! If you do not have access to email, please leave your teacher a voice mail message at the number listed on the cover page to let us know that you have read and understand this packet. Make sure you include your name, your child’s name, and Texas History class period in the message. Your child’s teacher will print the coupon for your child and send it home with them for you to sign. Extra Credit Assignment – Due Friday 8/25 7th grade TX History 7th grade Pre AP TX History Christine Carter: 281-634-6937 Kathleen Flynn: 281-634-6956 Garrett Kelley: 281-327-2424 Andrew Stevens: 281-327-0319 We are excited to work with your and your child this year. Texas History is a wonderful subject we are anxious to share with your child.
School Supplies Needed: 7th Grade Texas History Grades: An announcement of all major assignments and projects will be posted on our webpage along with a grading rubric (where applicable). Students will be assessed with quizzes, homework, journaling, group work, presentations, projects, online assignments, unit tests, etc. There will be 3 major grades and 11+ daily grades each nine-week marking period. Course Overview: 1st Nine Weeks 2nd Nine Weeks 3rd Nine Weeks 4th Nine Weeks Places and Regions of TX Colonization Government and Citizenship Civil War and Reconstruction Native Texan Cultures Texas Revolution Republic of Texas Cotton, Cattle, and Railroads Exploration and Spanish Rule Semester Exams Statehood and Immigration Modern TX and Semester Exams Weekly Online Assignment / Homework: Beginning on week 3 of school, students will be assigned an online assignment each week. It will be posted on Friday evening and closes the following Friday at 4:10 pm. Long-term projects will also be assigned for homework. It is the student’s responsibility to write down any assignments and their due dates in their agenda. Make-Up Work: If a student is absent, it is THAT STUDENT’S responsibility to obtain any missed work, notes, handouts, etc. immediately upon their return to school. There will be a “Master Spiral” available for copying any notes taken in class. Handouts will be in the “basket”. On-Line Textbooks: Texas History McGraw Hill User name and Password: FBISD###### (lunch number) Re-test: Re-test are offered the Thursday after the graded test is returned for a grade no higher than a 75% Late Work: Students who fail to turn in work upon its due date will be assigned to the next available “working lunch.” Late work will be accepted with point deductions as follows: 1st day late: -10 points 2nd day late: -20 points 3rd day late: -30 points Parents will NOT be contacted for missing or late daily assignments. Parents will be phoned or emailed if a major grade assignment is more than one day late. School Supplies Needed: 1. Every BMS student needs 1 pencil bag containing: Pens and Pencils with eraser Colored map pencils Tape / Glue stick Scissors Markers (skinny) Covered Pencil Sharpener 2. Every Texas History student must have: Minimum 100 page spiral with pockets per semester Tutorials: Tutorials will be held Tues, Wed & Fri mornings from 8:10-8:45 A late bus is available after school on Tues & Thurs. 4:00-5:00 *You must make an appointment with tutorial teacher Classroom Expectations: Always be on time to class. Come prepared to learn. Respect our rights and the rights/property of others. Work at learning & ask for assistance – we are here to help! Conference Period: 9:45 – 10:30 daily (please contact for an appointment)