Science Progression Chart Courses Available to 9th graders: 10th 11th 12th Earth Science (both levels) Biology Biology & Chemistry Chemistry/ AP Biology AP Environmental Science Environmental Explorations Physics GIS (DE) AP Sciences ISR GIS Env. Explorations Research Biology (only) Chemistry AP Biology or AP Chemistry AP Sciences (except AP Environmental)
General Information for Rising 9th Graders What makes a course a “Research Course”? All research sciences are the new version of Honors courses. They focus on scaffolded research skills and require a semester-long research project to be presented at the school-wide Science Symposium. All research courses offer a 0.5 GPA bump. What is the difference between Research Earth Science & Research Biology? The actual subject– biology focuses on life sciences and microbiology and earth science focuses on all earth systems and how they interact. Earth has a little of all science strands! Both courses teach different sets of research skills. Skipping Earth would require you to be proficient in the skills that you missed by skipping the course. Earth science is a prerequisite for AP Environmental science, which is an Earth Science course despite the amount of biology also present in the curriculum. SOL Science Courses Earth Science Biology Chemistry Diploma Requirements Advanced- follow “4-3-2 rule” (4 science courses, 3 strands, 2 SOLs passed Standard- follow “3-2-2 rule” (3 science courses, 2 strands, 2 SOLs passed) Science Strands & Courses Offered Earth Science: Earth Science (research & academic) & AP Environmental Biology: Biology (research & academic), Environmental Explorations & AP Biology Chemistry: Chemistry (research & academic) & AP Chemistry Physics: Physics (DE & conceptual) & AP Physics Science Electives - GIS I & II DE (general elective) - ISR (science elective)
AP Environmental Science What is APES? Course Topics Debate/Case Studies Are Humans On A Sustainable Path? Are we causing global warming? Air Pollution & Ozone Depletion Ecology & Human sustainability Is “Organic” food worth the cost? Farming vs. Logging vs. Ecotourism in the Amazon Energy Efficiency & Resources In this class you will learn about the interrelationships in the natural world, how to identify and analyze natural and human-made environmental problems, and how to determine risks and solutions associated with these problems. Land Use & Forestry Population Dynamics Water Resources & Pollution Food Security & Agriculture What is the science behind Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO’s)? Pros/cons? Climate Change Energy Sources – crops, algae, fossil fuels, wind or solar? Solid & Hazardous Waste Students who have not taken an Earth Science course are not eligible to take this course as an 11th or 12th grader. See Mrs. Blessing or Ms. Hennessey in room 1505 for questions & details!!! AP Environmental Science A new course at RRHS as of 2016-2017 school year Environmental Science Related Jobs Air Quality Specialist Alternative Energy Specialist Aquaculture Bioprospecting Climate Change Specialist Ecologist Ecotourism Specialist Environmental Architect Environmental Chemist Environmental Economist Environmental Educator Environmental Engineer Environmental Journalist Environmental Lawyer Environmental Nanotechnology Forester Fuel Cell Technology Geographic Information Systems Specialist Field Trips & Outdoor Labs Hydrogen Energy Specialist Hydrogeologist Indoor Air Pollution Specialist Industrial Ecology Infectious Disease Prevention Integrated Pest Management Limnology - a Career in Inland Waters Marine Scientist Organic Farmer Paleontologist Reconciliation Ecology Restoration Ecology Specialist Rooftop Garden Design Soil Scientist Solar Cell Technology Water Conservation Specialist Water Quality Specialist Biodiversity at RRHS Air Quality and Your Vehicle AKA Wallops Island Water Pollution Control Facility Banshee Reeks Nature Preserve Water Quality Testing Soil Testing Canoeing on the Shenandoah River