Closed Captioning State College of Florida
What is Section 508? U.S. Federal Law Section 508 of Rehabilitation Act Amendments of 1998 states in part: "Electronic information and data must be equally accessible to individuals with and without disabilities.“ Prohibits discrimination on basis of disability by recipients of federal funds Section 508 website: Benefits Accessible to individuals with disabilities Comply with US Federal Law More usable for all learners using wide variety of technologies Accommodate different learning styles Assist speakers of English as second language Captions increase comprehension for all learners Captions, Text Transcripts are Searchable Recognize and research unfamiliar terms Content accessed in situations not audio-friendly
Closed Captioning Section 508 Standard: Standard 1194.24, c “All training and informational video and multimedia productions which support the agency's mission, regardless of format, that contain speech or other audio information necessary for the comprehension of the content, shall be open or closed captioned.” ( WCAG 2.0 Guideline: Guideline 1.2.2 "Captions (Prerecorded): Captions are provided for all prerecorded audio content in synchronized media, except when the media is a media alternative for text and is clearly labeled as such. (Level A)" (W3C) Guideline 1.2.4 "Captions (Live): Captions are provided for all live audio content in synchronized media. (Level AA)" (W3C)
Choose Wisely when selecting videos on the Web Use videos from Film on Demand (Show External Tool) & other video sources such as Video Content with Closed Captions and/or Transcripts Search for videos that have accurate closed captioning (not auto-generated) If not accurate – send email to person/company who created video to provide accurate transcripts Filter YouTube using CC Provide accurate Transcripts for auto-generated closed captioning (Demo later in session) Search for Business in YouTube and pull up Mark Cuban’s video on Only Morons Start a Business on a Loan to Show No CC Next Select – on the business search select – The Secret to Making Money by Starting a Small Business – CC but auto – Generated Next in that same search – Show TED Talks for Small Business Owners – CC and Accurate
Creating your Own Videos – Getting Ready Use a Noise Cancelling Microphone Select a quiet place – free from distractions and noises Speak clearly Pick a Screen Capturing program that you feel comfortable with Skype For Business Office Mix Screencast-o-matic YouTube Channel
Create your own videos If you create your own video or screen capture – Follow a script If you do not follow a script then use Speech to Text software I used to upload my videos straight to YouTube and do the editing of the text in YouTube Closed Captioning editing. Now I use Google Speech to Text and then I copy that into a word document when I am done talking and make all the changes there. Once I have cleaned up my text then I go into YouTube and paste my text into their closed captioning editor. I have learned that I produce a better product if I talk from a script but if you are talking and recording without a script I would encourage you to use a noise cancellation microphone and speak very clearly and practice this a few times. Finally – fix the auto-generated closed captioning if you own the video Pull up word document with Script – pull up ScreenCast, upload to youtube. Then show how to add the transcripts Next Google Speech to Text Finally – show how to fix auto-generated videos own by you.
Adding a video to a Module with Transcripts
Grabbing transcripts from a Video not owned by you Grab a YouTube video with Closed Captioning – Must have closed captioning
Accessibility Checker – Built into Microsoft
Online Learning Gary Baker Director Phone: 941-752-5431 Fax: 941-751-8185 Email: Angie Fairweather Instructional Designer Phone: 941-752-5437 Fax: 941-751-8185 Email: Melanie Wallace Staff Assistant Phone: 941-752-5237 Fax: 941-751-8185 Email: Dale Drees Lead Instructional Designer Phone: 941-752-5345 Fax: 941-751-8185 Email: Natalia Gerasimova LMS Administrator Phone: 941-752-5254 Fax: 941-751-8185 Email: