How to Play Chess By Landon
Chess Chess is a game of smart moves. It is a very stresfall game becus you have to consintrate.
Chess Peses Thare is 6 difrent kinds of peses. The king is the most inportent pese of the game. But the qeen is the most powerfull pese. The rook is the secont most powerfull pese and the pond is the wekest pese. The last two peses are the knite and the bishop.
Moving the Peses The queen can move in any direction. If a pies is in the way she could attack it. Kings can move in any direction but only 1 space at a time. The bishops moves on the Dingell color there on. Knights move in a L shape witch is 2 sspaces over and 1 up or 2 up 1 over. The rooks move like the qween just they cant move diagnall. The ponds 1 spase forword on the first move when it can Move 2 spasese.
How to win You win by checkmating the king that means the king cant move with out being in check. To play chess you haft to be fokest because you need to make good moves.