College Terrace Traffic Calming Project Evaluation Neighborhood Meeting November 19, 2008
PROJECT ADVISORY COMMITTEE (PAC) Andrew Fetter Jeff Justice Paul Lomio Emily Marshall John Mark Agosta Ronda Rosner Doria Summa Steve Woodward Greg Tanaka
MEETING OUTLINE History of the traffic calming plan Before/after speed and volume results Resident comments on current features Potential alternatives/objectives moving forward Next steps
HISTORY Original traffic calming management plan developed in cooperation with PAC, CTRA leadership, residents, and city. Plan was supported by 71% of neighborhood responding to a survey. Approved by City Council in Nov 2004. Traffic calming features installed in 2006 on a trial basis. Trial is over and follow-up studies are complete.
APPROVED PLAN “A” Speed tables on Stanford Speed tables on California Circles on College at Columbia, Hanover, Oberlin, and Yale Circle on Cambridge at Yale Stop sign changes
SUMMARY OF SPEED/VOLUME DATA Number of speeders over 25 mph down on all streets (based on available before and after data). Number of speeders over 35 mph down on California and Stanford. Mixed results interior to the neighborhood. Volume drop on nearly all streets (with available before and after data) except for segment of California and Princeton. More than 1100 fewer vehicles cutting thru N/S streets
RESIDENT COMMENTS General support for speed tables on California and Stanford. Mixed opinions on traffic circles on College and Yale. Mostly related to concerns for pedestrians and bicyclists, and right-of-way confusion. Petition for removal of circles.
RECENT CITY ACTION Traffic circle removed at College/Hanover Four-way stop restored at College/Hanover Stop signs reversed at College/Columbia
SUPPORT FOR PLAN “A”? Speed tables on Stanford Speed tables on California Circles on College at Columbia, Hanover, Oberlin, and Yale Circle on Cambridge at Yale Stop sign changes
WHAT HAPPENS NEXT? At conclusion of trial…three alternatives: Remove features and go back to previous conditions Keep plan and make features permanent Modify plan and start 2nd trial
OBJECTIVES IF PLAN IS MODIFIED Retain speed and volume benefits but enhance if possible. Improve mobility and safety for pedestrians and bicyclists. Others?
As proposed by Project Advisory Committee OPTION 1A As proposed by Project Advisory Committee
Curb Extension – Cambridge/Yale
Curb Extensions – College/Yale
Median Islands – College/Oberlin typ.
Speed Hump – College/Princeton typ.
Speed Table– California/Dartmouth
As proposed by Project Advisory Committee OPTION 1B As proposed by Project Advisory Committee
Speed Hump – College/Yale
NEXT STEPS Survey prepared based on results and comments from neighborhood meeting. Conduct neighborhood survey Compile results Report results to City Council for decision
STOP SIGN WARRANT Installed as an interim to a traffic signal; or 5 or more reported accidents in last 12 months; or 500 or more vehicles per hour thru intersection for 8 hours of a day; and, 200 or more vehicles/ pedestrians from minor street during same 8 hours with average delay of 30+ seconds per vehicle during the maximum hour.
Speed Hump – College/Yale
Speed Hump – College/Wellesley
Speed Hump – College/Harvard
Speed Hump – College/Dartmouth