Study Guide for LA History Test
1. What was Tenochtitlan? What was underneath the city? Tenochtitlan was the ancient Aztec capital city. It was on an island in the middle of a lake.
2. Describe the first encounter with Cortes/Spaniards and the Montezuma/Aztec. Montezuma believed Cortes was a god Montezuma showed Cortes gold
3. Who conquered the Aztec? Spanish Cortes
4. Who conquered the Inca? Spanish Pizarro
5. Who was Montezuma? Ruler of the Aztec Empire when Cortes arrived
6. Who was Atahualpa? Ruler of the Inca Empire when Pizzarro arrived
7. How did Pizarro end up getting all the gold from Atahualpa? He captured Atahualpa, took his gold, and then killed him
8. What was the Columbian Exchange? Exchange of goods, plants, animals, and diseases between the Eastern and Western Hemispheres (Americas and Europe)
9. List any six items that were exchanged in the Columbian Exchange. Agricultural goods Potatoes Beans Maize Squash Tomatoes Chocolate Sugarcane Wheat Livestock Sheep Goats Pigs Cattle Horses Diseases Small pox measles
10. Why did the Spanish need slaves from Africa? For farming, many Indigenous Americans had died because of diseases Africans were skilled, used to the heat, and immune to the diseases
11. What was Triangular Trade? Trade of manufactured goods from Europe, raw materials from the American colonies, and slaves from Africa.
12. What three cultures are blended together today in Latin America? European African Indigenous American (Native American)
13. Why do most people in Latin America speak Spanish or Portuguese and practice Roman Catholicism? Due to colonization by Spain and Portugal mix of cultures
14. Define the following terms Mesitzo Creole Indigenous Mesitzo – blend of European and Indigenous cultures Creole – European descent (parents are European) but BORN in Latin America Indigenous – native to a specific land
15. What affect did the European colonization have on the indigenous people? The Europeans brought over diseases and ended up killing of the natives,
16. Define: Liberator and Enlightenment Liberator – a person who fights for freedom and independence Enlightenment – a belief system that was taught in Europe, which encouraged equality and people to be treated fairly
17. Identify for each liberator…. Bolivar – highly educated, studied in Spain Before becoming a liberator, he was studying Liberated: Ecuador, Columbia, Venezuela, Panama, Chile, and Peru He did live to see the countries liberated Bolivar died of tuberculosis
L’Ouverture He learned to read and write because he was a house servant and they taught him. He learned of the Enlightenment from reading books. Before becoming a liberator, he was a slave He did not live to see Haiti become independent
Hidalgo Born into a wealthy family, and had the opportunity to go to school (he was very educated) Before he became a liberator, he was a priest He did not live to see Mexico become independent
18. Who was Fidel Castro? Leader of the Cuban Revolution Leader of the Cuban government for 50 years Declared Cuba a communist country
19. What type of government is Cuba? Communist
20. What almost caused a nuclear war between the United States and the Soviet Union? Castro allowed the Soviet Union to build a nuclear missile launch complex in Cuba
21. How has Cuba’s government impacted its economic relationship with the US? U.S. has an embargo with Cuba Meaning no trade
22. What is one lasting impact of the Cuban Revolution? Castro creating communism in Cuba The embargo between USA and Cuba
23. Who are the Zapatistas? The Zapatistas are a guerilla group who support improved rights and living conditions for Mexico’s indigenous (native) people. The group consists primarily of poor farmers and workers of indigenous American ancestry.
24. Why were the Zapatistas upset? They wanted land for indigenous Americans in Chiapas, Mexico Thought NAFTA would create more poverty in the area
25. How have the activities of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation changed the lives of the people in Chiapas? The indigenous Americans and peasants of Chiapas have started their own health and education programs.