To qualify EMbleMatic Mediterranean Mountains as costal destinations of excellence Partners on kick-off meeting- January 2017
STARTING FROM AN EXISTING NETWORK Leader Cooperation Oct 2013 – May 2015 SHARED VALUES CHARTER EMM network FACT-SHEETS each partner EMBLEMATIC CRITERIA Picturesque landscape Legend and myth Inspirational force (identity , arts…) Historical places Biodiversity of exception Specific local services COMMON CHALLENGES THEMATIC WORKSHOPS PRESERVING OUR PATRIMONIAL VALUES From endogenous / exogenous threats SHARING OF GOOD PRACTICES INCREASING OUR INTERNATIONAL RECOGNITION
Potential new partners’ meeting Sept 2015 WHERE COULD WE GO NEXT ? Potential new partners’ meeting Sept 2015 First : WE QUESTIONED THE TOURISM DEVELOPMENT MODEL OF OUR COASTAL TERRITORIES Three types of ISSUES in relation to UNBALANCED TOURIST FLOWS concentrations: - GEOGRAPHICAL : beach & summit / hinterland coastal area - TIME RELATED : short term / long term - summer / winter (seasonal peaks) - ECONOMICAL : absence of economical returns for the hinterland coastal areas Then: WE PROPOSED A NEW WAY OF CONCEIVING TOURISM BY CHANGING OUR TOURISM POSITIONING - To create and test a RADICALLY DIFFERENT new tourism offer, based on the singularities of our mountains, combining the valorisation and protection of our natural spaces with a more sustainable way of managing tourism flows which involves local actors and inhabitants. - This ALTERNATIVE OFFER for the coastal hinterland area will CONPLEMENT the traditional beach tourism offer.
WE IDENTIFIED A NEW FRAMEWORK The Interreg MED programme 14-20 Potential new partners meeting Sept 2015 PRIORITY AXIS 3 Protecting and promoting Mediterranean natural and cultural resources. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE 3.1 To enhance the development of a sustainable and responsible coastal an maritime tourism in the MED area.
WE REBALANCED THE PARTNERSHIP 5 Countries / 9 Mountains / 1 University Ste Victoire Francia PP1 Gran Sasso Italy PP4 Cika Albania PP2 Canigó Francia LP1 University of Barcelone Spain PP9 Olympus Greece PP5 Pedraforca Spain PP3 Serra de Tramuntana Spain - Mallorca PP7 Etna Italy - Sicilia PP6 Mt Idà Greece - Crete PP8
AMBITION & OBJECTIVES ONE AMBITION To qualify emblematic Mediterranean mountains as coastal destinations of excellence 1 / To rebalance tourism flows and their returns toward a more sustainable and responsible tourism THREE STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES 2 / To co-build and experiment a slow tourism offer located in the hinterland coastal mountainous area 3 / To improve the international recognition of our singularity
A NEW CALENDAR & MODULAR APPROACH Nov 2016 – Oct 2019 - Co-production - Work Packages & DELIVERABLES WP3 – In depth study on our EMbleMatiC dimension D 3.1 OPERATIVE METHODOLOGICAL FRAMEWORK for each teritory D 3.2 STUDY REPORT for Network WP 4 – Testing D 4.1 BRIEF MARKETING: common frame of reference for the implemention of D4.2 D 4.2 ECO-ITINERARIES unique to partner WP 5 – Transferring D 5.1 TRANSFER GUIDE for eco-itineraries D 5.2 QUALITY REFERENCIAL FOR EMM WP 2 – Communication : Creation of an UMBRELLA BRAND & SHARED COMMUNICATION TOOLS on eco-tourism products n n + 15 n + 36
CONCRETE DELIVERABLES OF THE PROJECT WP3 STUDY ON THE EMBLEMATIC DIMENSION OF THE EMM COMMON METHODOLOGICAL FRAMEWORK for the process of characterisation of Emblematic dimension and concertation. FINAL REPORT on the in depth study of THE EMBLEMATIC DIMENSION of our touristic destinations. WP4 TESTING (CETT Barcelona : Estudi d’hoteleria i turisme) BRIEF MARKETING: COMMON FRAME OF REFERENCE specifying the elements to be included in the conception of an EMbleMatiC tourism product. CREATION OF 9 ECO-ITINERARIES, each one unique to each territory, and conceived to be easily integrated into a commercial tourism product. WP5 TRANSFER TRANSFER GUIDE for the implementation of an eco-itinerary QUALITY REFERENTIAL for the EMM, as coastal destinations of excellence. WP2 COMMON INTERNATIONAL PROMOTION OF EMM Creation of a SHARED UMBRELLA BRAND, based on a sustainable and responsible tourism approach. COMMON COMMUNICATION TOOLS: poster of the 9 mountains / video presenting the eco-tourism products / tourism guides
EMbleMatiC is a LABORATORY to test and create a new form of tourism based on our singularities located on our hinterland coastal territories