A Welcome and Orientation Donald Bren School of ICS to UC Irvine and Donald Bren School of ICS for Freshmen Fall 2017
ICS Student Affairs Office - Academic planning (949) 824-5156 - Scheduling issues - Campus resources ucounsel@uci.edu - Changing/Adding Majors www.ics.uci.edu/ugrad - Minors @icsugradstudentaffairs - Graduation Check - Academic Advising Workshops
UCI Catalogue http://www.editor.uci.edu/catalogue/ 2017-18 is your catalogue year Detailed list of degree requirements Course Descriptions & Prerequisites Policies governing what you can and cannot do as a UCI student
3 Components of your UCI Degree General Education Requirements UC Requirements UC Entry Level Writing American Hist. & Inst. Minimum units Minimum GPA Residency Writing Science & Tech Social and Behavioral Sci. Arts and Humanties Quantitative, Symbolic, Computational Reasoning Foreign Language Multicultural Studies International/Global Issues Major Requirements
Donald Bren School of Information & Computer Sciences #1-5 UC Requirements
#1. UC Entry Level Writing Score 680 or higher: SAT Reasoning Test- Writing section (last administered January 2016) Score 30 or higher on ACT Combined English/Writing test Score 3 or higher on AP English (Language or Literature) Pass the Analytical Writing Placement Exam Complete a transferable college course in composition with a grade of “C” or better before entering UCI Complete UCI Analytical Writing (WR 39A, WR 37, HUM 1A/SA) Score of 5 or above on the IB Higher Level English Remove red highlight?
#2. American History & Institutions 1 year of high school US History or (US History + Government) “C” or better A score of 3, 4, or 5 in AP US History A score of 550 or higher SAT II American History 1 year of college US History or (US History + Government)
#3, 4 & 5. Unit, Residency & Grade Requirements Minimum of 180 units At least 36 of the last 45 units must be completed at UCI Grade Requirement: 2.0 GPA - UC courses - Major courses - Upper-division major courses
General Education Requirements Donald Bren School of Information & Computer Sciences General Education Requirements
General Education 1. Writing 2. Science and Technology 3. Social and Behavioral Sciences 4. Arts and Humanities 5. Quantitative, Symbolic, and Computational Reasoning 6. Foreign Language 7. Multicultural Studies 8. International/Global Issues Comprehensive list of GE courses found in UCI Catalog
GE I. Lower Division Writing Students are not permitted to add, drop, or change grade option after the second week of classes Lower division writing must be completed with a “C” or better Must be completed within 6 quarters If placed in Academic English, 6 quarters after completion of AE
GE I: Lower Division Writing Writing 39A, or Writing 37 (UC Entry Level Writing) Writing 39B If Writing 39B grade is B or better, then Writing 30 Writing 31 Writing 39C (start here if 4 or 5 on AP exam) WR 39B Critical Reading & Rhetoric WR 39C Argument & Research WR 30 The Art of Writing Poetry WR 31 The Art of Writing Fiction Interdisciplinary approach to works of literature, history, culture, philosophy and contemporary media
GE I: Upper Division Writing Upper division writing 1) must be completed with a grade of “C” or better and 2) must be taken at UCI. CS, SE Majors - ICS 139W In4matx (OIT) Majors - INF 162W CSE Majors - ENGR 190W BIM, CGS, Data Science, In4matx (HCI) Majors - Any upper division course w/ a “W” suffix ex: ICS 139W, Soc Sci 185W, Eng 190W, etc.
GE II: Science & Technology All ICS majors: Completed via ICS 31-33 CS Majors: Two additional GE category II except those offered by CSE, Economics, ICS, or Math CSE Majors: Physics 7C-7LC, 7D-7LD A total of 18 units of basic science courses using the approved Science Elective list on our ICS website
GE III: Social & Behavioral Sciences Must complete 3 quarter (or 2 semester) courses Subject areas can include: Anthropology, Economics, Geography, ICS, Linguistics, Psychology, and Sociology Can overlap with GE VII and VIII BIM majors will receive credit for 2 courses via their degree requirement of Econ 20AB
GE IV: Arts & Humanities Must complete 3 quarter (or 2 semester) courses Subject area examples: Art History, Dance, Drama, Fine Arts, History, Philosophy, Comparative Literature, Language, Women Studies Can overlap with GE VII and VIII CGS majors will receive credit for 1 course via their degree requirement of Film & Media Studies 85A or 85C
GE V: Quantitative, Symbolic & Computational Reasoning All Bren School majors satisfy this category with their degree requirements.
GE VI: Foreign Language Can be fulfilled by: 3 years of high school language w/ “C” or higher 3 or higher on AP language exam 570 or higher on SAT II language 500 or higher on SAT II Modern Hebrew language exam Completion of an approved course via EAP Exemption by exam: www.testingcenter.uci.edu Completion of 1C level at UCI
GE VII: Multicultural Studies 1 course Can overlap with GE III and IV Check UCI Catalog for details
GE VIII: International / Global Issues 1 course Can overlap with GE III and IV May be approved via: 4 years of high school language w/ “C” or higher 4 or 5 on AP language 620 or higher on SAT II language exam 540 or higher on SAT II Modern Hebrew Approved course via EAP Exemption by examination Schedule exam at testingcenter.uci.edu
Taking Courses Outside UCI Courses may be completed outside of UCI to satisfy general education courses and units Must take all major courses at UCI Writing classes cannot be taken outside of UCI Use http://www.assist.org/ to make sure community college courses will transfer
Donald Bren School of Information & Computer Sciences Major Requirements
Business Information Management Interdisciplinary degree designed to understand and apply theories and concepts of computing, informatics, business fundamentals and analytical decision making BIM students go to ICS for academic counseling Lower-division Informatics/ICS, Econ, and Mgmt courses (9) Lower-division mathematics courses (5) Upper-division Informatics, Math, Mgmt and elective courses (19) 33 required courses
Computer Game Science Computer Science based degree with a focus on designing, building, and understanding computer games and interactive media Lower-division ICS/Informatics courses (10) Lower-division mathematics courses (6) Upper-division Bren School courses (16) Physics and Film and Media (2) 34 required courses
Computer Science Provides a foundation in low-level architecture and systems, middle-level infrastructure, algorithms, and mathematical foundations Lower-division ICS/Informatics courses (9) Lower-division mathematics courses (6) Science courses (2) Upper-division Bren School courses (13) 30 required courses Choice of 9 specializations: Algorithms, Architecture & Embedded Systems, Bioinformatics, General Computer Science, Information, Intelligent Systems, Networked Systems, Systems & Software, Visual Computing
Computer Science and Engineering Provides the fundamentals of computer science and the application of engineering concepts for hardware and software design Lower-division CSE/INF courses (11) Lower-division mathematics courses (8) Physics (2) Approved science electives (2) Tech electives (2) Upper-division CSE courses (15) 40 required courses
Data Science Intersection of computer science and statistics to understand and manage complex data sets Lower-division ICS/Informatics courses (7) Lower-division mathematics courses (6) Lower-division statistics courses (3) Upper-division statistics courses (9) Upper-division CS/Informatics courses (5) 33 required courses
Informatics Study of the design, application, use and impact of information technology on social, cultural, and organizational settings Lower-division Informatics & ICS courses (6) Lower-division Mathematics courses (2) Upper-division Informatics & CS courses (17-18) 25-26 required courses Choice of 4 tracks: Human Computer Interaction (HCI) Organizations and Information Technology (OIT) Health Informatics Individual Studies
Software Engineering Provides a solid foundation of computer science with knowledge of how to engineer software systems, and how to function within teams Lower-division Informatics & ICS courses (8) Lower-division mathematics courses (6) Upper-division Informatics & CS courses (19) 33 required courses
How to Change Majors Complete Change of Major Criteria http://changeofmajor.uci.edu Tutorial to change majors within ICS: http://ics.uci.edu/ugrad/degrees
AP Exams Exam Score Class Credit for Mathematics: AB Exam 4 or 5 Math 2A BC Exam 3 Math 2A 4 or 5 Math 2A and 2B Physics: Exam C, Part I or II 4 or 5 Physics 2 Exam C, Part I 5 Physics 3A Exam C, Part II 5 Physics 3B Chemistry: AP Chemistry Exam 4 or 5 Chemistry 1A + 4 elective units Statistics: AP Statistics 3, 4, or 5 Statistics 7 Economics Macroeconomics 4 or 5 Economics 20B Microeconomics 4 or 5 Economics 20A
Recommended Fall Plan without AP credit BIM CGS CS CSE I&CSCI 31(4) I&CSCI 31 (4) I&CSCI 31 (4) I&CSCI 31(4) Math 2A (4) Math 2A (4) Math 2A (4) Math 2A (4) GE (4) I&CSCI 60 (4) GE (4) GE or Physics 2 (4) I&CSCI 90 (1) DS ICS-UD IN4MATX SE I&CSCI 31 (4) I&CSCI 31 (4) I&CSCI 31 (4) I&CSCI 31 (4) Math 2A (4) Math 2A (4) Stats 7 (4) Math 2A (4) GE (4) GE (4) GE (4) GE (4) I&CSCI 90 (1) I&CSCI 90 (1) GE: ELWR or Categories 1, 3, 4, 7, or 8.
Recommended Fall Plan with AP credit BIM CGS CS CSE I&CSCI 31(4) I&CSCI 31 (4) I&CSCI 31 (4) I&CSCI 31(4) Math 2B Math 2B Math 2B Math 2B, 2D, or I&CSCI 6B (4) or I&CSCI 6B (4) or I&CSCI 6B (4) or I&CSCI 6B (4) GE (4) I&CSCI 60 (4) GE (4) GE (4) I&CSCI 90 (1) DS ICS-UD IN4MATX SE I&CSCI 31 (4) I&CSCI 31 (4) I&CSCI 31 (4) I&CSCI 31 (4) Math 2B Math 2B I&CSCI 6B (4) Math 2B or I&CSCI 6B (4) or I&CSCI 6B (4) GE (4) or I&CSCI 6B (4) GE (4) GE (4) I&CSCI 90 (1) GE (4) GE: ELWR or Categories 1, 3, 4, 7, or 8.
ICS 32A Accelerated course Combines ICS 31 and ICS 32 in one quarter Python Same instructor as ICS 32 Criteria for admission 3, 4, or 5 on AP CS A Exam AP CS Principles Exam does not qualify- must take ICS 31 One semester of computer programming with grade of B or better Students with programming experience must take ICS 32A- NO EXCEPTIONS If you took the ICS 31 Credit by Exam and: Earned a grade of A- or higher Accept the grade, enroll in ICS 32 Earned a grade of B+ or lower Do not accept the grade, enroll in ICS 32A
Recommended Fall Plan with ICS 32A BIM CGS CS CSE I&CSCI 32A (4) I&CSCI 32A (4) I&CSCI 32A (4) I&CSCI 32A(4) Math 2A (4) Math 2A (4) Math 2A (4) Math 2A (4) GE (4) I&CSCI 60 (4) GE (4) GE or Physics 2 (4) I&CSCI 90 (1) DS ICS-UD IN4MATX SE I&CSCI 32A (4) I&CSCI 32A (4) I&CSCI 32A (4) I&CSCI 32A (4) Math 2A (4) Math 2A (4) Stats 7 (4) Math 2A (4) GE (4) GE (4) GE (4) GE (4) I&CSCI 90 (1) I&CSCI 90 (1) GE: ELWR or Categories 1, 3, 4, 7, or 8.
Placement Exams http://bit.ly/Freshmen2017PlacementTest Should have already taken exams. If not, do so immediately! Report based on placement exam results and AP credit Refer to Testing Center to determine what exams you need to do http://bit.ly/Freshmen2017PlacementTest
Sample 4 Year Plans Go to catalogue.uci.edu Click on Undergraduate Programs (top) Click on Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences (left) Click on Undergraduate (top) Select your major Scroll to the bottom Note: The sample plan is exactly that—a sample plan! The plan should be used for guiding purposes only.
ICS Degree/Major Requirements All courses taken to satisfy major requirements MUST be taken for a letter grade! These include Math, Writing, Science, Economics, Film & Media, Physics, etc. where applicable
Academic Honesty Policy Never assume, ASK QUESTIONS! The following examples are considered academic dishonesty: Copying a person’s exam or homework Sharing code or notes during a lab assignment Any joint effort when individual effort is required. WHEN INTELLECTUAL CONTRIBUTION IS NOT SOLELY YOUR OWN! Never assume, ASK QUESTIONS!
Consequences of Academic Dishonesty Automatic F in the assignment, quiz, or exam Automatic F in the course 2 quarter suspension Expulsion from the University An incident report and all letters/reports will be placed in a campus database for SEVEN years
University Privacy Policy Per campus policy, UCI officials may not release ANY information about you to ANYONE without your explicit consent
Fee Payment Fees are due by 4 p.m. on Sept 15 Failure to pay by deadline will result in classes being dropped Late fees will be applied if fees paid after deadline Zotbill It is your responsibility to periodically check for deadlines and inaccuracies https://zotaccount.uci.edu
UCI Email Account UCI staff will respond only to email sent by a UCI email account When sending an email: Include your full name and student ID# Your UCInetID is also your UCI email -Email: panteater@uci.edu -UCInetID: panteater Problems? Contact Office of Information Technology (OIT) at www.oit.uci.edu It is your responsibility to read your UCI e-mail and not miss important information!
ICS Email Account This is in addition to your UCI email account Required to use the ICS computing facilities To activate ICS account: go to ICS lab in 364 ICS Building UCI student ID and photo ID are required Your ICSnetID is also your ICS email Peter Anteater -Email panteater@ics.uci.edu -ICSnetID panteater
Add/Drop/Change Policy Deadline to make ANY changes to your schedule is Friday of Week 2 Exceptions will only be considered under documented extenuating circumstances Approvals are required by the Dean of the School that is offering the course AND the Dean of the School of your major (that means the Student Affairs Office as agent of the Dean)
Donald Bren School of Information & Computer Sciences Enrolling in Courses
Necessary Items for Enrollment 8-digit student ID number Photo ID card UCInetID and password If you have forgotten your password, go to www.oit.uci.edu to reset it To activate your UCInetID, go to www.activate.uci.edu
About WebReg Add or drop a course Change grade option Check your eligibility to enroll Confirm your class schedule Identify any holds on your account Accessible 7 days per week, except 4-6 a.m. (scheduled maintenance) Issues with WebReg? Call the Registrar’s office at 949-824-6124
Schedule of Classes http://reg.uci.edu SOC will identify updated info on class times, locations, enrollment numbers, restrictions, etc. Enroll in courses via the 5-digit course code Must enroll in corresponding lab or discussion if one is listed with the lecture CSE Majors: Enroll in CSE classes under the Donald Bren School http://reg.uci.edu
Schedule - http://reg.uci.edu
WEBREG - http://reg.uci.edu
WEBREG - http://reg.uci.edu
Common WebReg Error Messages Why did my course(s) get dropped? Make sure you enroll in the accompanying lab and/or discussion Why can’t I add the class(es) I want? Time conflicts are not allowed Allowed maximum 18 units (waitlisted courses are counted) Some courses have school/major restrictions What does “prerequisite not met” mean? WebReg does not recognize that you have the prerequisite course(s). Contact the Student Affairs Office for that course.
3. Verify enrollment by checking your WebReg Study List
3. Verify enrollment by checking your Study List
4. Verify enrollment in your StudentAccess Logout
4. Verify enrollment in your StudentAccess Logout Click and Login to StudentAccess
4. Verify enrollment in your StudentAccess Logout Click and Login to StudentAccess Click on Study List
4. Verify enrollment in your StudentAccess Logout Click and Login to StudentAccess Click on Study List
Prerequisite Clearing Requests WebReg does not recognize prerequisite credit via AP exam, non-UCI course, syllabus review, petition and/or exception to policy Go to https://ugradforms.ics.uci.edu Open 24/7. Do not wait until the last minute to submit your prerequisite clearing (PC) requests. Do not submit requests for courses you do not need clearance for. Do not expect staff to clear your PC requests in a short time frame or ask us to put you ahead of the queue. Note: If you need to be cleared for a non-ICS course, you must go to the academic counseling unit of the dept that offers the course
Other Enrollment Items Financial aid—Must be enrolled in 6 units for aid to be disbursed First day of instruction is always the first day of lecture EXCEPT for Humanities Core and Professor Pattis’ courses in which case discussion/lab is your first day of instruction. Unauthorized repeat/credit—May not take/repeat a course for which you have already earned credit via AP exam, articulation review, grade of Pass or C and better
Note: All Welcome Week events are FREE! Important Events Welcome Week Monday, Sept 19 to Wednesday Sept 21 New Student Convocation Monday, Sept 19 Dean’s Welcome Anteater Club Fair Monday, Sept 19: Afternoon Note: All Welcome Week events are FREE!
Stay Connected @icsugradstudentaffairs Quarterly ICS Academic Advising Workshops How to Make a 4 Year Plan Registration 101: How to Get the Classes You Need @icsugradstudentaffairs http://www.ics.uci.edu/ugrad/sao/