Differentiated Schools / Differentiated Supports: Principal Supports Across School Models 2017 Principal Summit
The School District of Philadelphia “The purpose of our work is ensuring that geography is not destiny and that ALL children in Philadelphia have a great public school close to where they live.” -- Dr. William Hite, Superintendent The School District of Philadelphia
Action Plan 3.0 Maintain a system of great schools, with school models and programs that serve ALL students equitably. Dramatically improve our lowest-performing schools by creating and investing in a Turnaround Network, comprised of District-run, evidence-based turnaround model(s). Review and improve the provision of schooling for ‘opportunity youth’ who are at risk or already detached from schooling by establishing an Opportunity Network, comprised of District-run and external-provider alternative education options. Establish and nurture an Innovation Network of new, evidence-based school models, and continuously evaluate the schools to inform future plans for replication and transformation. Over time, offer the option of 100% autonomy to certain District-run schools, including a per-student funding allocation and Charter-like flexibilities through the creation of the Autonomy Network. The School District of Philadelphia
Turnaround Network The School District of Philadelphia
Turnaround Network Identifying and cultivating great turnaround leaders Establishing a teaching and learning continuous improvement process Investing in people and providing professional growth and development opportunities to enhance instructional capacity and delivery Providing resources to support a healthy and safe learning environment Engaging the school community in the turnaround process The School District of Philadelphia
Turnaround Network – Differentiated Supports Cultivate turnaround principals Teaching and learning continuous improvement Professional growth Healthy and safe environment Community engagement Inspiring school leaders Increased attention to school leaders Network scorecard aligned to the 5 core components Ongoing site visits to monitor fidelity of model implementation Principal Professional Development – Data Meetings Monthly data meetings to monitor student outcomes Individual attention to students and differentiated instruction Use of adaptive and diagnostic technology to support student mastery Small group instruction and response to mastery Job embedded coaching Summer Turnaround professional development Professional learning communities Monthly professional growth opportunities Exemplars Exhibited Positive student academic outcomes and behaviors Reduced class size Specialized staff to coordinate services and respond to student need Embedded student advisory block Community advisory councils Partnerships aligned to academic goals An engaged school community The School District of Philadelphia
Opportunity Network The School District of Philadelphia
Opportunity Network Schools are supported at multiple points throughout the school year on their academic, climate, and financial performance. Schools receive: Operational and Academic Reports Alternative Education Progress Reports Financial Reviews/Investments Formal/Informal School Walkthroughs Monthly PD/PLC Network Meetings The School District of Philadelphia
Opportunity Network – School Models Accelerated programs serve students who are: Overage and off-track to graduation, Have dropped out of school, or Are not succeeding in a traditional school setting. Alternative Education Dual Enrollment programs serve students who have dropped out of High School and seek to re-engage in a college setting. Students earn credits that count towards both an Associate’s degree and High School Diploma Students are dually enrolled in the college and the school district. Alternative Education for Disruptive Youth (AEDY) Transition programs only serve students who have committed serious violations of the Code of Student Conduct. Students enroll in an AEDY program, through disciplinary transfer, after a determination is made through a due process hearing conducted by the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities. The School District of Philadelphia
Autonomy Network The School District of Philadelphia
Autonomy Network Building a Network, while managing schools: Defeating the ‘myth’ of ‘Special Admit’ through our own practice Building trust to allow Autonomy with accountability Leveraging resources to study effective national models Grand Isle Group Bloom Planning Pilot Model Rollout In stages starting September 2017 Requiring least financial impact but greatest growth mindset The School District of Philadelphia
Autonomy Network Budget Staffing Curriculum Calendar Our primary focus is piloting autonomies that could be replicated for District-run schools across these core functions: Budget Staffing Curriculum Calendar The School District of Philadelphia
Innovation Network The School District of Philadelphia
Innovation Network | Who We Are Authentic Caring Empowering Modern The School District of Philadelphia
Innovation Network | Professional Development All-Network: Dedicated Professional Learning Specialist (PLS). Weekly staff meetings in all Innovation Network schools. Network time at all-principal quarterly District meetings. Principals and Support Team Google Hangouts for pressing network issues. Informal/Formal School Walkthroughs. Yearly retreat in February. Following the School Reform Initiative (SRI) protocol, principals bring a problem of practice to the group. School-Specific: New Tech Network Coach: weekly google hangouts, site visits, common planning time with staff. New Principal Coaching through TNTP. The School District of Philadelphia
Innovation Network | Leveraging Resources School Supports: Professional Learning Specialist Director of New Schools Executive Assistant TNTP Coach for New Principals Internal Resources: Weekly Team Meetings Network Email List Serv SLACK Innovation Network Job Fair Education Job Fairs Education Panels Educon Conference External Resources: Consulting Teacher Coaches Google Learning Management System New Tech Network Coach Northbay Adventure Inquiry Schools, Inc. Museum and University Partnerships Additional Grant Support The School District of Philadelphia
Working Together – Shared Accountability Evaluation Reports Progress Reports The School District of Philadelphia
Our Shared Vision The School District of Philadelphia will deliver on the right of every child in Philadelphia to an excellent public school education and ensure all children graduate from high school ready to succeed. The School District of Philadelphia
Q&A Turnaround Network Opportunity Network Autonomy Network Dr. Eric J. Becoats ebecoats@philasd.org Opportunity Network Christina Grant cgrant2@philasd.org Autonomy Network Jurate Krokys jkrokys@philasd.org Innovation Network Alexa Dunn adunn@philasd.org The School District of Philadelphia