Vocabulary 9 Acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate general academic and domain-specific words and phrases; gather vocabulary knowledge when considering.


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Presentation transcript:

Vocabulary 9 Acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate general academic and domain-specific words and phrases; gather vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase important to comprehension or expression. (7.L.6)

Rate the Following Words Latin Bonus Astute Authentic Delicacy Derogatory Devour Figment Mythical Plumage Predator Ungainly Carpe diem Deus ex Machina E pluribus unum I know the word and can explain it I know the word, but can’t explain it I don’t know the word

Astute (adj) Wise in a clever or practical manner; accurately access a situation Noting every tiny bit of detail, Sherlock Holmes was an astute detective. Synonym: perceptive

Authentic (adj) Authenticity (noun) Authenticate (verb) Genuine; true We weren’t sure if the alleged Picasso was authentic or fake. The condition of being genuine The authenticity of the alleged Picasso painting was in question. To prove that something is genuine We hired a professional to authenticate whether or not the painting was done by Picasso. Synonym: genuine, bona fide

Delicacy (Noun) A choice item of food Escargot is considered a delicacy in France. Great consideration for the feelings of others If you’re going to ask Angelina about Brad, you better ask with delicacy. Synonym: sensitivity

Derogatory (adj) Expressing a low opinion; intended to hurt the reputation of a person or thing Philip’s derogatory remarks about Miss Narwin caused everyone to imagine she was a shrew. Synonym: disparaging, demeaning

Devour (verb) To eat hungrily To take in eagerly with the eyes or ears After Danny devoured his dinner, he devoured his comic books.

Figment (noun) Something that is made up in the mind, but has no connection to reality Danny thought he saw an apparition, but it was just a figment of his imagination.

Mythical (adj) Imaginary; not real Ancient Greeks imagined many mythical figures still popular today.

Plumage (noun) A bird’s feathers Male peacocks can be identified by their beautiful plumage. Plume

Predatory (adj) Predator (noun) Living by killing other animals Eagles are a predatory bird. A creature that lives by killing on others Great white sharks are the apex predator of the great blue sea. A person or group that ruthlessly exploits others When using chatrooms, beware of online predators. Synonym: hunter, killer

Ungainly (adj) Moving in a clumsy or awkward way Walruses move across the land in an ungainly way. Synonym: ungraceful

E pluribus unum Out of many, one Originally, the Great Seal of the United States had the Latin phrase E Pluribus Unum to signify the 13 states being one nation. However, today it has a greater connotation. The seal was used to authenticate certain documents issued by the federal government. E Pluribus Unum