8/22 Upon entering: Grab a textbook form and fill it out immediately. Vocabulary List #1 is due today. Please place in your class bin!
Journal 8/22/17: In the case of heterosexual couples (straight couples) should only boys ask out girls? Give me your opinion with reasons to back it up. Also, if you are of the homosexual orientation—I still very much would like your opinion on this. (If anything I want your opinion more)
Some housekeeping things.. Bathroom passes Binder / Dividers: (it doesn’t matter what order these are in…as long as they are there) Journals/Grammar Writing AOW Vocabulary Notes/Handouts Finish Vocabulary List 1 and Submit Some housekeeping things..
Journal 8/23 8/23 Materials Binder Pen/Pencil Do you think the disciplinary system in Volusia County/UHS is fair? If you believe that it isn’t– what would you do differently? Also mention what they are doing right as well as wrong and vise versa. Binder Pen/Pencil
What is annotation? an·no·ta·tion [ˌanəˈtāSH(ə)n] NOUN annotations (plural noun) a note of explanation or comment added to a text or diagram: "marginal annotations" synonyms: note · notation · comment · gloss · footnote · commentary · explanation · interpretation the action of annotating a text or diagram: "annotation of prescribed texts"
Looking at sample annotations Skim the text and carefully examine the annotations. Write down the variety of ways that you see how someone uses annotations. Same sheet of paper – create a list with a partner that shows what effective annotations might do. (This paper will be stored in the notes/handouts section of your binder) Students may say that the annotations: give definitions to difficult and unfamiliar words. give background information, especially explaining customs, traditions, and ways of living that may be unfamiliar to the reader. help explain what is going on in the text. make connections to other texts. point out the use of literary techniques and how they add meaning to the text. can use humor (or other styles that might be quite different from the main text). reveal that the writer of these annotations knows his or her reader well.
The Basics Pass out annotation sheet (have next slide printed on back fill-in the blank)
As you work with your text, consider all of the ways that you can connect with what you are reading. Define words or slang; make the words real with examples from your experiences; explore why the author would have used a particular word or phrase. Make connections to other texts you have read or seen, including: movies, comic books/graphic novels, News events, books, stories, plays, songs, or poems. Re-write, paraphrase, or summarize a difficult passage. Make connections to your life experiences. Describe a new perspective you may now have. Did the text change your mind? Explain the historical context or traditions/social customs that are used in the passage. Offer an interpretation of what is happening in the text. Point out and discuss literary techniques that the author is using.
Writing in the margins… No Yes
Let’s read this weeks AOW! Annotate as you go along…
8/23 Get your Binder Pen/Pencil
Journal 8/24 Hunting animals was used as a source for food and clothing back in the day. Today it is often used for the same. A lot of organizations believe that hunting is wrong– what do you believe and why?
Take out your annotated AOW from yesterday. Finish reading/annotating your AOW article Exchange your annotations with a partner. Write two comments on the set of annotations in response to the following questions: What is one thing that I really liked in this set of annotations? If this were my set of annotations, what is one thing that I would change/add? (Partner writes their name next to the notes) They should be looking to see that there are a variety of annotations and that the annotations dig deeper than just surface comments (e.g., definitions) and move toward meaningful personal connections and even literary analysis.
8/25 Get your binder pen/pencil
The A.O.W. process is easy… Read Fun Fact: We will not be doing an A.O.W. EVERY week…just most weeks Annotate A.C.E.
A.C.E. A strategy for short response and essay writing.
Give evidence to support your answer. What is A.C.E.? A Answer the question in a statement, using language taken directly from the question. C Give evidence to support your answer. E Explain your answer. This is the commentary piece and should be a couple of sentences.
Answer Make the question into a statement that includes your answer. Example: How did Jackie Robinson demonstrate the trait of perseverance? Jackie Robinson demonstrated the traits of perseverance by not quitting the baseball team despite the discrimination he faced.
Cite Use a quote or specific example from the text. Be sure to introduce the quote and put quotation marks around direct quotes. Example: For example, the author states, “At every game, he had to put up with abuse from the stands; but something inside him would not let him give up.”
Explain Write a sentence that explains your answer and the supporting evidence. This is where you further explain how the evidence supports your answer. It’s the “so what” part of your response. Don’t introduce any new information. Example: By not giving up, Jackie Robinson was able to break color barriers and become the first African American to play in baseball’s major league.
Put it all together… Jackie Robinson demonstrated the traits of perseverance by not quitting the baseball team despite the discrimination he faced. For example, the author states, “At every game, he had to put up with abuse from the stands; but something inside him would not let him give up.” By not giving up, Jackie Robinson was able to break color barriers and become the first African American to play in baseball’s major league.
Let’s Practice ACE! Prompt: Why did Volusia County Schools enforce a strict schedule on the day of the eclipse?
A.C.E. Question Consider what meaning our culture places on the national anthem. What is the feeling Kaepernick's actions elicit? Is it hatred? Disgust? Why these emotions?