POLITICAL Type of government: Unitary Parliamentary republic. This is a combination of two types of government. A unitary government is one that is governed by a single state. A parliamentary republic mean one person gets almost all the control over the country. idk we just searched it and that came up on country facts In a Unitary Parliamentary republic, all governmental power is held by the Central Gov’t, and the main source of that power is their Parliament. Their Parliament would be like our congress. People vote for who will represent them in Parliament, just like we elect representatives and senators. The US is NOT a unitary 3 parties are the constitutional republic, Unitary, and Parliamentary. republic though because we share power between the federal (D.C.) body and state (PA) body. The president of italy is Giorgio Napolitano. The prime minister is Silvio Berlisconi. Italy was founded in 753 bc by the Romans.
GEOGRAPHICAL There are two famous mountain ranges the Alps and Appennino. The major rivers are the Po, Arno and Tiber. There is a volcano named Mt Etna. Italy has hot and dry summers and cool and wet winters. Also it has all four seasons. Italy is located in Europe, close to the Altantic ocean.
Social/Culture Catholicism is the major religon in Italy, 87.8% of the population. Some famous foods from italy are pizza, gelato, tiramisu, risotto, morttadella, spumoni, mozzarella, cannoli, spaghetti. Famous types of art in Italy are Etruscan, Roman, Medieval, Byzantine, Gothic and Renaissance. Two famous paintings are The Birth of Venus by Rafael Botticelli and Sistine Chapel by Michealangelo. Some famous types of music in Italy are Opera, Classical, rock, and rap. A couple famous musicians are Modungo and Bing Crosby. Some famous writers in Italy are Italo Calvino who wrote Invisible Cities and Umberto Eco who wrote The Name of the Rose. The languages that are spoken in Italy are Italian, French, Greek, Roman, Slovene. The people groups are Italian, German, French, Albanian, Slovene, Ladino, and Greek.
Economy Italy uses euros for their currencyI italys main economic products are textiles, clothing, machinery, motor vehicles, transportation equiptment, chemicls, food and beverages, metals
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