Management of Esophageal and Tracheal obstruction by stenting Prof Khaled KARARA Prof of Cardiothoracic Surgery Alexandria Faculty of Medicine
> 50% of Oesophageal tumours are inoperable at time of diagnosis.
Esophagogram showing lower third cancer esophagus
Esophagogram showing middle third cancer esophagus
Esophagogram showing upper third cancer esophagus
Esophagogram showing malignant tracheo-esophageal fistula.
Esophagogram showing malignant tracheo-esophageal fistula.
Endoscopic view of annular cancer esophagus
Endoscopic view of fungating cancer esophagus
Endoscopic view of ulcerative cancer esophagus
Indications for stenting airways or esophagus Stents are used for benign and malignant conditions. 1- Endoluminal obstruction: Benign conditions include strictures (such as those induced by peptic ulcers, anastomoses, and radiation), Malignant conditions include inoperable esophageal cancer, gastroesophageal junction cancer, and gastric cardia cancer. 2- Extraluminal compression 3- Tracheo-oesophageal fistulae, iatrogenic perforations, and leaks; 4- Malacic airways 5- Anastomotic strictures & recurrences
Type of stents Old types : ( Pulsion & traction ) Present types: * Self-expanding metal stents (SEMS) * Self-expanding plastic stents (SEPS) - Silicone
Rigid plastic prostheses: Mousseau- Barben (Traction tube) (left) or Celisten tube. Rigid metallic prostheses: Souttar tube (right).
Soutar tube (Pulsion tube) inserted in a patient with terminal tracheostomy and gastric pull up.
Obstructed Mousseau- Barben tube.
Perforating Mousseau- Barben tube.
SEMS Material: Biologically inert, resistant to corrosion Cobalt alloys Stainless steel Nickel – Titanium alloy (nitinol)
Constitution Woven Knitted Zigzag Coil
Covering Uncovered Partially covered with polyurethane or silicone Fully covered. For covered: Adv: Tumor in growth Disadv : Stent migration
Companies Boston Scientific, available in Egypt. Cook Medical, available in Egypt. EndoChoice, Merit Medical Endotek, Taewoong Medical Co., ELLA-CS are available in Egypt.
From left to right, 1- Boston Scientific's Polyflex Esophageal Stent, 2- Ultraflex Esophageal NG Stent System, 3- WallFlex Fully Covered Esophageal Stent, and 4- WallFlex Partially Covered Esophageal Stent.
Sample of covered and partially covered SEMP
Silicone Stents (SEPS) Made of silastic rubber Flanged or Studded - Cylindrical, T, Y or T-Y shaped
Adv over EMS - Removable Dis adv: - Not for permanent use. - More expensive. - More difficult to apply. - Easier to be obstructed.
Definitive Metal Bridge to surgery Silicone (Removable) Esopheal malignancy Metal Air ways Silicone
Introducer system
Measure the length of the tumor
Dilate the tumor
Pass the guidewire into the stomach
Pass the introducer set to the desired level marked fluoroscopically.
Deployment of the stent
Withdrawal of the introducer
Stent in place, endoscopic view
Stent in place, radiologic view
Stenting lower esophagus
Stent for long segment tumor
Complications Early Chest pain, fever, bleeding, gastroesophageal reflux disease, globus (FB) sensation, perforation (0.8%), and stent migration (up or down). Failure to insert (5%). Delayed Stent migration, stent occlusion (FB, tumor growth above or below stent or ingrowths with uncovered stent.), development of esophageal fistulae, and recurrence of strictures.
Stricture above the level of the stent
Obstructed Stent
Stent slipped to the stomach.
- Improvement of dysphagia 90-100% Results: Procedure related mortality 0-2.5% - Improvement of dysphagia 90-100%
Advances: Stent in stent & Extension stents. Anti reflex stents. Upper esophageal stents. Retrivalbe stents. Biodegradable Stents
Tracheal Stenosis Post prolonged intubation.
Measure the length of the tracheal narrowing and put radio opaque marker
Stent was introduced with the marks on it visualized.
Pulling the thread of the introducer will release the stent.
Stent being released
Double Stenting Stenting both the trachea and esophagus. When mediastinal tumor compresses both. For esophageal tumors invading the trachea. When a tracheal tumor invades the esophagus. For some cases of tracheo-esophgeal fistulae.
Double stenting (tracheal & oesophageal)
Multidsciplinary approach Rigid bronchoscopy & esophagoscopy with debridement. Dilatation (Balloon). Photodynamic therapy. Cryotherapy. Laser (Nd.Yag). Brachy therapy. Chemotherapy.
Conclusion Stents are relatively safe and effective method of palliation for obstructed air way and for esophageal cancer patients.