Fundamentals & Ethics of Information Systems IS 201 Lecturer/ Ashraf Youssef King Saud University College of Computer and Information Sciences Information Systems Department Ashraf Youssef Fundamentals & Ethics of Information Systems – Introduction Slide 1
Course teachers Lectures teacher Tutorial teacher Lecturer/ Ashraf Youssef 3 lectures/week Tutorial teacher Mr. (as assigned on your schedule) 1 tutorial/week Ashraf Youssef Fundamentals & Ethics of Information Systems – Introduction Slide 1
Course Information Office: Building #31 Office:G050 Phone: 469-7476 Best way to contact me: Office Hours: Sun 9:00 – 10:00 Tue 9:00 – 10:00 Other times are available by appointment (send me an email) Class web page: Ashraf Youssef Fundamentals & Ethics of Information Systems – Introduction Slide 1
Course schedule Section 31275 Section 31279 Lectures: Sun/Tue/Thu 8:00 – 8:50 Tutorial: as scheduled Room: 20 – Building: 31 Section 31279 Lectures: Sun/Tue/Thu 11:00 – 11:50 Room: 26 – Building: 31 Ashraf Youssef Fundamentals & Ethics of Information Systems – Introduction Slide 1
Course in the curriculum Department Requirement for IS Offering Level/year Level three/First year Course Pre-requisites CT 140 Ashraf Youssef Fundamentals & Ethics of Information Systems – Introduction Slide 1
Course Description This course introduces students to the fundamentals of information systems and to ethical issues related to information systems as a discipline and profession. Topics covered include: definition of information systems, hardware and software, the binary system, telecommunications and networks, concepts of information, database approach to data management, systems development, specialized information systems, moral, legal and social issues in the cyberspace, professional conduct, personal, local and global impacts of computers, and IS professionals’ need for continuous professional development. Ashraf Youssef Fundamentals & Ethics of Information Systems – Introduction Slide 1
Course Objectives Identify and describe the components of an information system Identify and describe the functions of computer devices Convert a number from and to the binary system Identify major advantages of the database approach Analyze the local and global impact of computing Identify and describe the steps of the systems development process Identify major ethical issues related to information systems Understand major legal issues of computing Understand social issues and responsibilities related to information systems Recognize the need for continuous professional development Ashraf Youssef Fundamentals & Ethics of Information Systems – Introduction Slide 1
Topics to be covered Topic No of Weeks Contact hours An Introduction to Information Systems in Organizations 1 3 Hardware and Software Binary System 2 6 Organizing Data and Information Telecommunications, the Internet, Intranets and Extranets Knowledge management and specialized information systems Systems Development The Personal and Social Impact of Computers Local and global impact of computing on the work environment Ethical and legal issues in information systems Ashraf Youssef Fundamentals & Ethics of Information Systems – Introduction Slide 1
Course Textbook & References Ralph Stair and G. Reynolds (2016), Fundamentals of Information Systems, 8th Edition, Thomson Course Technology. References: James A. O'Brien (2008), Introduction to Information Systems, 14th Edition, McGraw-Hill. Kelly Rainer, Efraim Turban, (2009) Introduction to Information Systems: Supporting and Transforming Business, 3rd Edition, John Wiley & Sons. Ashraf Youssef Fundamentals & Ethics of Information Systems – Introduction Slide 1
Assignments During the course the students are required to work on two homework assignments. Ashraf Youssef Fundamentals & Ethics of Information Systems – Introduction Slide 1
Schedule of Assessment Assessment task Week due Proportion of Assessment 1 H.W # 1 Fifth 4% 2 Quiz #1 Sixth 8% 3 Midterm #1 Seventh 15% 4 H.W #2 Tenth 5 Quiz #2 Eleventh 7 Mid Term #2 Twelfth 9 Final Exam 40% 10 Attendance and Active Class participation 6% Ashraf Youssef Fundamentals & Ethics of Information Systems – Introduction Slide 1
Academic Honesty Any work you submit must be your own work. You should always reference and give credit to any work done by others. Cheating or plagiarism is considered as a serious academic offense and will result in receiving a failing grade. Ashraf Youssef Fundamentals & Ethics of Information Systems – Introduction Slide 1
Absence No makeup quizzes will be made for missing a quiz. No homeworks are accepted after the deadline. Absences of more than 25% of classes (Approximately 15 lectures and/or tutorials) will result in automatically being barred from attending the final exam. Ashraf Youssef Fundamentals & Ethics of Information Systems – Introduction Slide 1
Absences regulation The 25% of absence allowed is dedicated for those cases when someone is sick or for emergencies. Even if a student has a sick leave excuse (signed by the doctor), the student absence is counted. If someone has a serious illness requiring to be absent more than 25% of the time, then, he should submit a Health Report from the start of the Semester. If a student misses a midterm exam, he must report immediately within 1 week of this absence to the department chairman to get the approval for a make-up exam. Ashraf Youssef Fundamentals & Ethics of Information Systems – Introduction Slide 1