DR. Dewi Kurniasih, S.IP.,M.Si. ETIKA KEPEMIMPINAN DR. Dewi Kurniasih, S.IP.,M.Si.
DEFINISI & PENDEKATAN In general, ethics is to understand what constitutes a good life and creating conditions to attain a good life Ethics is the study of what is good/right for human beings, the goals people have to pursue and the actions they have to perform
KATEGORI ETIKA Descriptive approaches Meta-ethics (Conceptual) Scientific and factual descriptions/explanations of moral behaviour and beliefs in institutions Descriptive approaches Analysing central terms in ethics to understand the foundations of ethical systems Meta-ethics (Conceptual) Presenting a set of principles and standards to be followed in all areas of our lives Normative ethics (Prescriptive) Tools, concepts and concerns of normative ethics to specify and clarify obligations for those who encounter ethical issues Applied ethics
OUTCOMES Ethical shaping as a function of leadership Cultural values of adaptability, achievement, bureaucratic cultures, environmental conditions Basic philosophy of human nature and appraoch to leadership Relationships between values and leadership Leadership challenge and individual values in an organisational context
NILAI YANG MEMPENGARUHI KEPEMIMPINAN Perceptions of situations and problems at hand Solutions generated and decision taken Interpersonal relationships Organisational & personal successes Differentiating between right & wrong Accepting/rejecting organisational pressures & goals
Building blocks of leadership skills Less enduring, more modifiable Skills/ Competencies Relatively endearing & permanent Knowledge Experience Intelligence Personality Traits and Preferences Values Interests Motives/Goals
How do values develop? Religion Parents Personal Value system Technology Peers Media Education Values established by young adulthood
CIRI PEMIMPIN SUKSES Stogdill, 1974 Adaptable to situations Alert to social environment Ambitious and achievement oriented Assertive Cooperative Decisive Dependable
SKILLS PEMIMPIN SUKSES Clever Conceptually skilled Creative Diplomatic and tactful Fluent in speaking Knowledgeable about group task Organized (administrative ability) Persuasive Socially Skilled
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