Computer Replacement Planning SACTAC 2017
Current inventory Grand Total Computers and Tablets - 4885 Total Windows Instructional Computers out of Warranty (old need replacement) – 683, Faculty and staff – 200 estimated Total printers – 305, 283 are owned by us Mac Computers needing replacement at least 63(count under progress Total SAC, CEC, and others 3009 Digital Dons 1200 + 3009 = 4209
Tech ratios Recent purchases of more than 500 computers still being inventoried Plans to purchase about 600 more computers Technicians total 12 Ratio more than 292 computers per technician This does not include iPads and Macs
Computers Ready for Replacement YEAR # OUT OF WARRANTY PCs 2016 826 2017 365 2018 307 2019 703 2020 217 2021 307
Current Replacement Process Project based Keeping current is adhoc 70:30 split of available computer replacements budget from DO The SACTAC committee decides on the priority and sends to POE (Planning & Organizational Effectiveness Committee) POE funds according to available budget Some modifications are not communicated Granted requests are purchased
Summary 2017 Replacement Committee Findings 200 N side - $1100 per computer 140 I side with HDMI for instructor stations( cable included) $1300 $10, 000 ITS hookups Special High end computers 81 62 iMacs $2000 per Mac The rest standard systems
COST ESTIMATES FROM THE COMMITTEE ITEM MODEL NUMBER OF COMPUTERS COST PER COMPUTER TOTAL COSTS DETAILS High end computers HP Z440 16 GB RAM 146 $2,284 $333,464 This has 16GB RAM, NIVIDIA graphics card, 5 year warranty and 24” monitors wired mouse and keyboard. Also 21 are needed in the machine room which can be included in the Z440 Z840 /Z440 with 32GB RAM 65 $4,000 or more $260,000 For T bldg., with extra 32 RAM –Probable price. If not possible Z440 with extra 32 GB RAM at minimum Quotes requested. Recommended Standard Computers HP 800 SFF 297 needed/14 afforded $1,100 Leftover funds =15,268 This has 8GB Ram, 5 year warranty with 24” monitor wired mouse and keyboard Instructional with HDMI cable 140 $1300 $182000 For new projectors Mac computers iMacs 27” 62 $3,214 $199,268 This is with i7 latest core, 2 TB hard drive 32GB RAM and 3 year AppleCare wired mouse and keyboard ITS Hookups $10,000 Costs incurred to install Totals $984732 + standard computer cost Leftover only gets 14 computers out of 297 standard computers