Q1 - 2011 (November 2010 - January 2011) NASA Quarterly UVIS Q1 - 2011 (November 2010 - January 2011)
UVIS: Accomplishments Science Highlights Submitted paper on C ring waves. (Baillie)
UVIS: Science Highlights
UVIS: Science Highlights
UVIS: Science Highlights
UVIS: Science Highlights
UVIS: Accomplishments Publications Published this quarter 2 In Press (Went into press Nov-Jan and also includes still in press from earlier quarters) 4 Submitted (Submitted Nov-Jan and also includes submitted earlier and still in review) 12 Published 2010 to date: 2 Published Entire mission 121 Presentations at scientific conferences (Nov 2010 - Jan 2011) 4 papers at AGU, December 13-17, 2010, San Francisco, (Hendrix, Esposito, Meinke, Hansen) Public Outreach and Press Activities (Nov 2010 - Jan 2011) 3: public talks 0: press releases 6: press conferences (phone, TV interviews)
UVIS: Plans Science Plans (Feb - Apr 2011) Colwell: Numerical simulations of miniature propeller structures in rings and comparison to data. Colwell: Analyze holes in rings from stellar occultations. Colwell: Analyze statistics of ring stellar occultation data. Colwell: Analyze Rev 9 solar occultation data for information on particle sizes in F ring. Publications (Feb - Apr 2011) — In preparation (includes submitted, but not yet published) 16 1 papers in review in ApJ 1 paper in review in ApJ Letters 1 paper in review in Charged Particles and Photon Interactions with Matter 1 paper in press in the proceedings book of the IAU Symposium 263 3 papers in review and 2 in press in Icarus 2 papers in review at JGR 1 paper in review at Nature 1 papers in press at Optical Express 2 papers in review in Planet. Space. Sci. 1 paper in review at Science. Upcoming presentations at scientific conferences (Feb - Apr 2011) 1 paper at EGU, April 3-8, 2011, Vienna (Albers) Public Outreach and Press Activities (Feb - Apr 2011) 0: public talks 0: press releases 0: press conferences (phone interviews)
Backup Material
UVIS: Publications - 2011 Colwell, J. E., L. W. Esposito, R. G. Jerousek, M. Sremcevic, D. Pettis, and E. T. Bradley. 2010. Cassini UVIS Stellar Occultations of Saturn’s Rings. Astron. J. Volume 140, Issue 6, pp. 1569-1578. (published 12/10) Hedelt, P., Ito, Y., Keller, H.U., Lammer, H., Rauer, H., Reulke, R., Wurz, P., Esposito, L. 2010. Titan’s atomic hydrogen corona. Icarus, Volume 210, Issue 1, p. 424-435 (Published 11/2010)
UVIS: Publications (In Press) Elliott, J.P. and L.W. Esposito. 2010. Regolith Depth Growth on an Icy Body Orbiting Saturn and Evolution of Bidirectional Reflectance due to Surface Composition Changes. Icarus. (In press Oct. 30, 2010) Gerard, J.-C., B. Hubert, J. Gustin, V. I. Shematovich, D. Bisikalo, L. Esposito, A.I. Stewart, 2010. EUV spectroscopy of the Venus dayglow with UVIS on Cassini. Icarus (In press Sept. 2010) Hendrix, A.R. and C. J. Hansen. 2010. The Surface Composition of Enceladus: Clues from the Ultraviolet. Proceedings book of the IAU Symposium 263 (In press Dec. 2009) Xu, F, A. B. Davis, R. A. West and L. W. Esposito. 2011. Markov chain formalism for polarized light transfer in plane-parallel atmospheres, with numerical comparison to the Monte Carlo method. Optical Express. (In press Dec. 20, 2010)
UVIS: Publications (Submitted) Ajello, J.M., R.S. Mangina, R.R. Meier. 2010. UV Molecular Spectroscopy from Electron Impact for Applications to Planetary Atmospheres and Astrophysics. Eds., Y. Hatano, Y. Katsumura, and A. Mozumder, In Charged Particle and Photon Interactions with Matter, Recent Advances, Applications, and Interfaces, Taylor & Francis, Boca Raton. (Submitted August 2009) Ajello, J.M, R. S. Mangina, D. J. Strickland, D. Dziczek. 2010. Laboratory studies of UV emissions from proton impact on N2: The Lyman-Birge-Hopfield Band System for aurora analysis. JGR. (submitted 9/10) Albers, N, M. Sremcevic, J.E. Colwell, and L.W. Esposito. 2009. Saturn’s F Ring as seen by Cassini UVIS: Kinematics and Statistics. Icarus. (Submitted February, 2009) Baillie, K., J. E. Colwell, J. J. Lissauer, L. W. Esposito, M. Sremcevic 2011. Waves in Cassini UVIS Stellar Occultations 2. Waves in the C Ring. Icarus. (Submitted December 2011) Esposito, L.W.E., Albers, N., Meinke, B.K., Sremcevic, M., Colwell, J.E. 2010. Moon-triggered Clumping in Saturn’s Rings. Icarus. (Submitted October 2, 2009) Hansen, C. J., D. E. Shemansky, L. W. Esposito, A. I. F. Stewart, B. R. Lewis, J. E. Colwell, A. R. Hendrix, R. A. West. 2011. The Composition and Structure of the Enceladus Plume. Science. (Submitted December 3, 2010. Rejected Jan 5, 2011) Liang, M. C., A. S. Wong, D. Henze, M. Adamkovics, K. Boering and Y. L.Yung. 2009. Synergistic study of hydrocarbon photochemistry in laboratory and planetary atmospheres. Planet. Space. Sci., (Submitted Sept. 2008) Liang, M-C. and Y. L. Yung. 2009. Isotopic fractionation of trace molecules in the atmosphere of Titan. ApJ (Submitted in June 2009) Pryor W.R., A.M. Rymer, D.G. Mitchell, T.W. Hill, D.T. Young, J. Saur, G.H. Jones, S. Jacobsen, S.W.H. Cowley, B.H. Mauk, A.J. Coates, J. Gustin, D. Grodent, J.-C. Gerard, L. Lamy, J. D. Nichols, S.M. Krimigis, L.W. Esposito, M.K. Dougherty, A.. Jouchoux, A.I.F. Stewart, W.E. McClintock, G.M. Holsclaw, J.M. Ajello, J.E. Colwell, A.R. Hendrix, F.J. Crary, J.T. Clarke, X. Zhou. 2010. Discovery of the Enceladus auroral footprint at Saturn. Nature. (Submitted July 13, 2010.) Shemansky, D. E., and X. Liu, 2009, Saturn Upper Atmospheric Structure from Cassini EUV/FUV Occulations, Planet. Space Sci., (Submitted November, 2008) Stevens, M.H., J. Gustin, J.M. Ajello, J.S. Evans, R.R. Meier, A. J. Kochenash, A.W. Stephan, A.I.F. Stewart, L.W. Esposito, W.E. McClintock, G. Holsclaw, E. T. Bradley, B.R. Lewis. 2010. The Production of Titan’s Far Ultraviolet Nitrogen Airglow. JGR. (Submitted Oct 2010) Zhang X., Ajello, J.M., and Yung, Y.L.,. 2009. Atomic carbon in the upper atmosphere of Titan. Astrophysical Journal Letters . (Submitted Sept. 2009)
UVIS: Science Presentations - Q1-2011 (Nov 2010 - Jan 2011) AGU, December 13 - 17, San Francisco LW Esposito, BK Meinke, M Sremcevic, N Albers: Boom and Bust Cycles in Saturn’s Rings BK Meinke, LW Esposito, N Albers, M Sremcevic: Comparison of F Ring Features Observed in Cassini UVIS Occultations with Other Observations AR Hendrix, CJ Hansen, TA Cassidy, GM Holsclaw: The Surface Composition of Mimas: Ultraviolet Constraints CJ Hansen, DE Shemansky, LW Esposito, I Stewart, AR Hendrix: The Composition and Structure of Enceladus’ Plume from a Cassini UVIS Observation of a Solar Occultation
UVIS: Outreach - Q1-2011 (Nov 2010 - Jan 2011) #: EPO: Talks to school children, teachers and public Colwell: “Giant Planets: Running Rings Around Saturn“ - Learning Institute for Elders, University of Central Florida, Orlando FL, November 9, 2010. 300 in attendance. Pryor: "Is there Life on Titan?” - Central Arizona College, Free program for mostly elementary school age - talk, video, and saw the Moon and Jupiter through telescopes. November 14 for about 300 people. Esposito: “Cassini UVIS research at CU“ - University of Colorado, Grad student recruiting talk. #: Press releases None this quarter #: Press conferences & interviews Esposito: 5 telephone and email interviews on “Origin of Saturn’s rings and inner moons by mass removal from a lost Titan-sized satellite“ (Canup 2010 paper in Nature) Outlets: Discovery, Science News, National Geographic, Associated Press, Washington Post. Esposito: 1 about Enceladus: Science@NASA (NASA Marshall Space Flight Center)