If you are born poor it is not your mistake, but if you die poor it is your mistake. Bill Gates- CEO Microsoft. Many people remain poor for generations but few become rich in one generation. Why?
What is the secret of becoming rich : Is it because of --- Academic performance ? Place of Birth ? Hard work ? Honesty / Talent ? High paying job/ Business ? Spending habits ? Luck ? Something else ?
Five Major Expense of Life Purpose Year of Need Amount Required 1. Child Higher Education 2. Child Marriage Expense 3. House/ Flat Purchase Exp 4. Retirement Years for Self and Wife Exp 5. Legacy/ Do Good Expense Total Expense Present Level Gap Analysis
Where do you save presently? Average Rate of Return Life Insurance Policy - 4%-5% Fixed Deposit in Bank/ Post Office ,PPF /GPF/EPF - 8%-9% Gold- 8%-10% Mutual Funds - 12%-15% Share Market - 15%-25% Land- 10%- 20% Apartment/ Commercial Spaces-
Road Map for Financial Freedom
Road Map for Financial Freedom *By working Hard you can never become Rich, to become Rich your money has to work hard for you. * Science of Financial Planning – Chapter 1)- Savings Chapter 2)- Investment Chapter 3)- Wealth Creation Don’t Put all your eggs in one Basket …..Diversify- is the mantra for Financial Freedom .
Road Map for Financial Freedom Need of Financial Freedom The evolutionary process has taken millions of years to design this human body. Because of advancement of medical science Longevity is going up. They say the human body is designed to live beyond 85 plus years. If some one dies early it is not because of design problem, rather because of maintenance problem.
Road Map for Financial Freedom News reported in all major news papers of Uttar Pradesh April 17 2016 “Netajis driver Colonel Nizamuddin becomes oldest Human alive at 116 years and opened a bank A/C by submitting passport and other documents- This year February a Japanese man who was thought to be the oldest man alive passed way at the age of 114. Think- If you retire at 58 years and live till 85 years you may have to work and work hard till last days to maintain self and family. Like many other European countries.
Road Map for Financial Freedom Choice is yours- To get Financial Freedom you like to work hard till 85 years or you want “YOUR MONEY TO WORK HARD FOR YOU WHEN YOU RELAX” after 58 years. Option 1- Immediate Annuity- Pay Rs 20 Lacs and get pension @ 6% per annum i.e Rs 10,000/- per month for entire life. On death return of Rs 20 Lacs. It cannot be sold/ surrendered. Option 2- Real Estate – Pay Rs 21 Lacs and get @13.5% per annum i.e. Rs 23 760/- till possession and then after possession lease it to business house/ hotel chains @ Rs 25,000/- per month. Lease rental per month increases every 2- 3 years. As the property value appreciates @12-15% in 12 years the value exceeds 1 crore. Any time it can be sold for cash value.
Road Map for Financial Freedom Any question ? To know more about financial freedom please submit your contact details . Our Manager will visit your place to give appropriate solutions .