PRONUNCIATION ka - MEAL- yah jah - PON - ih- kah
Common Name Camellia Japonica
Family Theaceae
Life Cycle Evergreen perennial
Growth Habit Shrub Height 7’ - 12’ Width 5’ - 7’ Upright
Arrangement and composition Alternate and simple
Leaf Ovate Length 3” - 4” Width 2”
Margin Finely Serrated
Veins Pinnate
Flower Early Spring Red, Pink, White and shades Singles and doubles
Fruit Fall Brown Capsule
Exposure Part Shade
Growth Medium
Use Hedge Specimen
Description Leaf is larger than Camellia sasanqua Thick and glabrous Many cultivars
Cultural Practices Plant in spot that gets no early morning sun. In clay, plant shallow Propagate by cuttings
Problems Tea scale
Zone 7 - 9
Native of Asia