Ilex crenata cv. / Japanese Holly Evergreen shrub Used an ornamental shrub Dioecious Often gets confused with boxwoods Used to make bonsai Dark green glossy leaves
Sansevieria trifasciata / Snake Plant Houseplant Also called “Mother- in-Law’s Tongue” Easy to care for Tall upright growth habit
Picea abies / Norway Spruce Evergreen Tree Conifer Branchlets hang downwards Large cones that hang Can reach up to 180 feet tall
Conifer A tree that bears cones and evergreen needlelike or scale-like leaves. Examples would be spruces, pines, yews, and firs
A small branch or division of a branch Branchlets A small branch or division of a branch
Clematis jackmanii group cv. /Clematis Vine Perennial Deciduous Large colorful flowers Used to cover or hide and for the large flowers
Vine A plant that has very long stems and that grows along the ground or up and around something (such as a wall or tree)