Belleek Primary school
HISTORY OF SCHOOL Our school is in Fermanagh, Northern Ireland in the country side. Our school is in a tiny village that’s called Belleek. Our school is over 90 years old but throughout the years it has got smaller it only has 29 pupils in this year. In the school there are 2 main teachers and a principal, called Mrs Lappin.
SCHOOL HOURS The school hours are 9am to 3pm. In the day we do the subjects like…. English ICT Maths PDMU Music Art P.E Guided reading R.E Reading World around us
UNIFORM Our uniforms have a navy jumper with blue t-shirts. Girls have an option of a skirt, summer dress or navy trousers. We wear black shoes. Some children wear the school coat and some wear their own coats.
SNACK,PLAYTIME AND DINNER We have our snack at 10.30am . After that we go outside and play with our friends . As well as that we play with toys like skipping ropes, hula hoops, footballs and with tennis rackets. Our dinner is from12.30pm to 1 o'clock. We have a choice of dinner or packed lunch but most people take dinner. The dinners at our school are really nice, especially the dessert. We play outside for 15 minutes at snack time but at lunch we play for 30 minutes. We are not allowed to play near the cars that have to park in the playground in case we get hurt .
TRIPS , GARDENING AND P.E At our school we go on trips to places that are educational and fun. We go at the end of the year to a special place to congratulate us for finishing the term. We keep our garden at the back of our school. In it we grow plants and vegetables. The plants need water so the teacher picks two of us to go and water the plants and they do it until the end of the week. Then there are new people picked the week after . We do P.E , which is sports. We do it every Tuesday with a sports teacher called Louise Noble . We do different sports like hand ball , cricket and a load of other sports.
TRANSPORT Most people take the bus to school. Some people take a car or taxi and if they live really close they could walk or cycle to school.
HOMEWORK AND PLAYS For our homework we have mental maths, English, comprehension, maths sheet and reading. Our homework is different for every class because the infant class get less homework than the senior class. We do plays at Christmas and harvest and other occasions. The teacher makes up a play about the time of year we are in. Not too long ago we had our harvest play .