Passover (Pesach) Aim: to understand what Passover is and why it is important Goal: to examine how Passover is celebrated. Plt unit focus: independent enquirer
Keywords Passover A festival which celebrates the release of the Jewish nation from slavery in Egypt. Moses brought the people out of slavery following plagues and an angel of death sent by Yahweh Pesach The Hebrew name for Passover Seder A special meal which Jewish people eat at Pesach which has symbolic items to remind them of the passover events.
Key points from the story? Passover story The Passover story What are the key parts of the story? Using our ideas create a story board/cartoon of the key parts of the Passover Story. Key points from the story? Either use prince of Egypt clips OR animated world faiths
Passover story Why do you think this story is so important to Jewish believers? Either use prince of Egypt clips OR animated world faiths
How is the Passover celebrated? Today Jewish families remember the Passover by having a special meal called the Seder Meal. The items included in the Seder meal all have symbolic meaning to Jews today and remind them of the importance of this event.
What the Seder means to Jewish people… Stick the plate in the middle of a double page. Around the edge annotate what each item we discuss symbolises to Jewish people.
Elijah’s Cup 4 cups of wine are drank to remember the 4 times Yahweh promised he would set the people free. “I will bring you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians.”
The Story The Story of Passover is retold from Exodus. A Haggadah is a children's book about the Passover.
Parsley in salt water(Chazeret) Parsley is dipped in salt water and eaten, symbolizing the hyssop with which the Israelites marked their doors with the lamb’s blood. The salt water represents the tears shed in slavery.
The Lamb Shank bone (zeroa) A piece of roasted meat represents the lamb that was the special sacrifice performed on the eve of the exodus from Egypt.
The Matzot Unleavened bread – the people fleeing Egypt had no time to let the bread rise so they eat this flat crisp bread to remember that.
Bitter Herbs (maror) They are eaten with matzah, symbolic of the bitterness of the forced labour of the Israelites Make a sandwich of matzah, bitter herbs and lettuce
Apple and spices (Haroset) This tasty mixture of apples, nuts, and spices represents the the sweetness of freedom It is eaten with matzah. It also represents the mortar used to make the bricks to build Pharaoh’s buildings.
Are we the lucky ones? Clearly we have never experienced slavery but there are things that ‘tie us down’ in life. Even though we haven’t experienced slavery we can all relate to the emotions that Jewish people must have felt during their slavery. On your sheet you have the headings of 7 items from the Seder meal. See if you can relate these to your own life by drawing pictures that have meaning to you.
Green vegetable/growth Bitter Herbs/slavery Salt water/tears A sign of new life to you Wine/joy Something that ties you down Something that makes you cry Egg/New life Haroseth/sweet freedom Something that makes you laugh Lamb bone/sacrifice Something that gives you hope for the future Something that sets you free Someone that makes sacrifices for you
Jewish identity
Plenary Freeze frame something to do with the Passover story!