We are very busy this term in Willow Class We are very busy this term in Willow Class. Here is a copy of our medium term plan to let you know what we will be doing. The children are already very excited about our new Frozen Planet topic and have had great fun exploring ice. This term the children will be going swimming on Tuesday mornings. Please could they wear polo shirts rather than shirts and ties on Tuesdays as this speeds up getting changed. Likewise if the girls could wear socks rather than tights this would be a great help. We want to spend as much time in the water as possible! They will also need PE kits in school for a PE session on Monday afternoons; burgundy T shirts, black shorts and a grey sweatshirt (not a hoody). Thank you for all your support with reading and homework. Link books go out on a Friday and are due back on Wednesday. We also do our X factor challenge on a Friday where the children practise their number bonds and time tables. Don’t forget to log in to Mathletics as well. Log in details are in the Link books. Thank you for your continued support. Mrs Hitchon and Mrs Harper