RHHS Positive Behavior Program- PRIDE July 13, 2017
DESIRED OUTCOMES & FEWER MORE engaging, responsive, preventative, reactive, dangerous, and exclusionary behaviors & MORE engaging, responsive, preventative, and productive behaviors
Discipline/School Climate data
DESIRED OUTCOMES Our implementation of this school-wide PBIS initiative has allowed us the ability to maximize academic engagement & achievement for all students by creating an environment that more frequently recognizes students’ positive behaviors than negative behaviors. *This does NOT mean negative behaviors are ignored or left unaddressed.
BEARCAT PRIDE Participation Active learners are involved. Be there and participate. Respect Take care of self, others, and environment. Integrity Be honest. Be true to yourself & others. Take responsibility for your actions and words. Dedication Be a team player. Demonstrate commitment. Be prepared. Excellence Do your personal best. Challenge yourself to go above and beyond. Support the best in all. Do your personal best. Challenge yourself to go above & beyond. Support the best in all.
BEARCAT BUCKS Each week, one Bearcat BUCK will be placed in all staff mail boxes. Teachers, administrators, secretaries, custodians, cafeteria staff, etc. all have a BUCK to give!! A staff member observes a student who goes above and beyond displaying one of the behaviors outlined under PRIDE. The student receives the BUCK to take home to show their family and the staff member places the students name into a spreadsheet for a weekly prize! Ms. Frazier will check weekly and recognize the students. These students will be recognized on the following week’s BNN broadcast. Following the announcements, students will be able to pick a prize from the prize cart on Friday’s during their lunch break in B building lobby. Student’s names will be listed on the P.R.I.D.E. Honor Wall, located in the lobby of the cafeteria. All of the names for the semester are then added to the school-wide drawing for randomly selected prizes- Gift cards to restaurants, t-shirts, backpacks, etc.
MORE REWARDS Quarterly social for students during RTI/Lunch. Popsicles, Cookies, Sweet Treats are given out to students who qualify. In order to qualify, students must have no absences, or all documented absences for the quarter. This means if a student is absent they must turn in a parent note or doctor’s note within 3 days of their absence. Students with zero referrals for the quarter are also included in the social.
Are You BUCK Worthy? To receive a Bearcat BUCK a student must go ABOVE AND BEYOND what is normally expected of them. That means that they shouldn’t receive a BUCK for complying with normal school rules like taking out their ear buds out when entering a building or for doing homework all week- Those are things that should do anyway!!! Above and beyond means telling a friend to take their ear buds off who forgot to as they entered a building, helping a classmate with their work who might be struggling, cleaning up a mess in the classroom or cafeteria that you did not make, discouraging friends from being late or hanging out in the parking lot, etc.
Common Areas/Hallways/ Restrooms Participation Respect Integrity Dedication Excellence Keep it moving- do not stop or hang out in the hallways, lobbies, restrooms, etc. Get to class early. Lead by example- do not have ear buds in the building, be in dress code with your ID properly displayed Keep it clean- throw away your trash Use appropriate language and volume Keep hands and feet to self- do not touch, hit, kiss, mess with other people, etc. Speak up for what is right- discourage or stop bullying, ask others to keep school clean, encourage promptness Be kind, be honest, be responsible Be a team player- help others Be here, be prepared- come everyday ready to learn Be better than you were yesterday- always excel to be a better you
Classroom Participation Listen and contribute. Follow Instructions. Complete all assigned work. Apply guided practice. Respect Respect opinions and performances of others. Respect yourself, teacher, school, personal equipment. Integrity Complete your own class assignments. Do you own work. Think for yourself. Dedication Be prepared with materials needed for daily work. Be a team player. Commit yourself to follow through. Excellence Challenge yourself daily. Do your personal best. Go above and beyond expectations. Be creative.
Cafeteria Participation Respect Integrity Dedication Excellence Keep it moving- do not stop or hang out in the cafeteria lobby, restrooms, etc. Pay attention in line. Keep it clean- throw away your trash Use appropriate language and volume Keep hands and feet to self- do not touch, hit, kiss, mess with other people, etc. Speak up for what is right- discourage or stop bullying, ask others to keep school clean, encourage promptness Be kind, be honest, be responsible- help the staff, do not cut in line or steal food Lead by example-have your ID visible Be a team player- help others Be here, be prepared- do not leave campus, don’t forget your lunch Be better than you were yesterday- always excel to be a better you
Outdoor Areas Participation Respect Integrity Dedication Excellence Keep it moving- do not stop or hang out in areas where people need to walk. Get to class early. Keep it clean- throw away your trash Use appropriate language and volume Keep hands and feet to self- do not touch, hit, kiss, mess with other people, etc. Speak up for what is right- discourage or stop bullying, ask others to keep school clean, encourage promptness Be kind, be honest, be responsible Lead by example- take off ear buds before entering building, be in dress code with your ID Be a team player- help others Be here, be prepared Be better than you were yesterday- always excel to be a better you
Arrival Participation Respect Integrity Dedication Excellence Keep it moving- Get out of your vehicle or leave the bus loop as soon as you arrive on campus. Report to a supervised area only (cafeteria or front of A building under breezeway only). Keep it clean- throw away your trash Use appropriate language and volume Keep hands and feet to self- do not touch, hit, kiss, mess with other people, etc. Speak up for what is right- discourage or stop bullying, ask others to keep school clean, encourage promptness Be kind, be honest, be responsible Lead by example- park in correct areas, encourage others to do the right thing and report to the appropriate areas once you arrive on campus Be a team player- help others Be here, be prepared- come everyday ready to learn and on time with materials Be better than you were yesterday- always excel to be better
DISMISSAL Participation Respect Integrity Dedication Excellence Keep it moving- do not stop or hang out in the hallways, restrooms, etc.- leave campus or go to practice promptly Keep it clean- throw away your trash Use appropriate language and volume Keep hands and feet to self- do not touch, hit, kiss, mess with other people, etc. Speak up for what is right- discourage or stop bullying, ask others to keep school clean, encourage promptness Be kind, be honest, be responsible Lead by example- encourage others to leave promptly and not horseplay Be a team player- help others Be here, be prepared-take home what you need Be better than you were yesterday- always excel to be a better you
Ideas for 2017-2018 School Year Continue with Teacher and Support Staff person of the Month that is voted on by the students. Posters with new student Acronym put up in all common areas and hallways. This Acronym is a list of things that students are responsible for each day at school. CATS: Code of Dress, Always on Time, Treat others respectfully, Show your ID Continue with Mentoring Programs: College Access, Girls United for Success, Guide Right, Hispanic Males Always try to be positive when talking with students/ staff no matter the circumstances.
Rock Hill High School PBIS Presentation Team and Information 320 West Springdale Road Rock Hill SC 29730 803-981-1300 Ozzie Ahl Principal Kia Frazier: Assistant Principal kfrazier@rhmail.org Elizabeth Berger: Special Education Teacher eberger@rhmail.org Lindsay Grant: Math Teacher lgrant@rhmail.org Mary Page: English Teacher mpage@rhmail.org