Cen 112 C Programming Özgür Örnek
Course Description The course aims to introduce the student to the concept of computer programming. The student will learn the general structure of programming languages and how an algorithm is represented and executed.
Learning Objectives of the Course The objective of this course is to develop a basic understanding of Object Oriented Programming paradigm and concepts in C++ language. In addition, the course enables students to implement the structured programming concepts in C language. The course topics include variable declaration, selection, if-then-else conditions, loop structures: for/while/do-while, break/continue/switch statements, arrays and file operations.
Course Information ECTS : 6 Hours of Week: 5 Semester: Spring Class Schedule : Tuesday 09:00-11:00 Friday 10:00-13:00 Language: English Status : Obligatory
Assesment of the Course Homeworks 15% Project 25% Midterm Examination 20% Final Examination 40%
Textbooks of the Course C How to Program, Fifth Edition, Deitel & Deitel, Pearson International Edition
Course Content Functions Functions cont. Pointers Pointers cont. Characters and Strings Characters and Strings cont. Structures and Unions File Processing File Processing cont. Introduction to C++ Introduction to Classes and Objects Classes and Objects Composition and Other Topics Inheritance