Connecting Our People How can staff connectedness be achieved in hub-and-spoke organisations? Dr Catherine Mackenzie, Dr Mikhail Balaev & Dr Ian Goodwin-Smith A research project undertaken by the Australian Centre for Community Services Research supported by funding provided by UnitingCare Wesley Country SA &
Study questions What do communication patterns tell us about staff connectedness? How connected do hub-and-spoke Australian country community service organisation staff members feel? What reasons do staff members give for their experiences of connectedness? What do staff members believe will increase their sense of connectedness within their organisation?
social network analyses Methods survey 1: 2 organisations data analysis survey 2: 5 organisations Interviews: social network analyses synthesis Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3
Social Network Analysis
Communication methods Team chat: ‘we had to log in to a team chat […] in service delivery, you could say ‘I’m going for a tea break, back at 10.20’, [or] ‘I’ve forgotten how to do such-and-such, what do I do next’ Email: ‘I give them a quick scan, if it relates to me or my site I read further or just delete. It would be nice if emails were sent out to more specific groups.’
Types of connections Staff articulated four types of connectedness in hub-and-spoke community service organisations: Top down connections Team connections Cross-organisational connections Cultural connections
Connectedness ‘I think connectedness is more about the effort you make not the physical location. You can be onsite and still feel isolated. I am off site and feel very connected to the organisation… I think it is more about the style and effort of staff and leadership than location’ **** ‘I only have face-to-face supervision because I don’t think you get as much out of it over the phone […] it’s just not done as frequently, but at least the quality of it when it is done [is better]’
Values ‘Knowing that we are all working together for the same goals as per our mission and values. There is a culture of respect and reasonable transparency where I feel valued and supported.’ (survey respondent)
Organisational connectedness ‘a positive state of well-being that involves an emotional connection with other workers, with service recipients and with aspects of the task and the organization's values’ (Huynh, Xanthopoulou, & Winefield, 2014)
Management models Network & values-based models Strengthen connections across levels and programs Value staff input Increase creativity Foster leadership Foster transparency Top-down models Reduce communication across levels and programs Hierarchical – minimal staff input Limit creativity Limit leadership opportunities Reduce/avoid transparency
Recommendations Strengthen value-driven approach to management Develop a network-approach to complement the hub-and-spoke model Schedule regular, quality senior management visits to spoke sites Back up information dissemination to spoke staff beyond line manager Provide hot desks at hub and spoke sites for travelling staff Provide opportunities for face-to-face meetings, gatherings Foster opportunities for social activities Introduce new employees to their own and other teams and follow up Require mandatory all staff site meetings – rotate program presentations Increase casual staff involvement in organisational activities Rotate program meeting sites Provide leadership capacity building training to staff Emphasise the importance of regular, quality supervision Incorporate cultural safety across agencies Explore ways to involve all staff in decision-making Increase transparency in change management/decision-making processes Require timely responses to staff requests/paperwork Improve ITC Videoconferencing and instant messaging Explore ways to hold all staff meetings (e.g. video link- up) Consider alternatives to email for communication to all staff Provide electronic staff directory with searchable staff profiles mission, vision & values and study recommendations Compassion Adaptability Relationships Excellence To enhance the wellbeing of rural people through positive social change Opportunities for life ... for rural people Recommendations Strengthen value-driven management Add a network-approach to complement the hub-and-spoke model Provide leadership capacity building
Conclusion: linking values and management Mission: To enhance the wellbeing of rural people through positive social change Vision: Opportunities for life ... for rural people Values: Compassion Adaptability Relationships Excellence Goal: We will effect positive social change for individuals and communities Key recommendation: Strengthen value-driven approach to management
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