The Hero’s Journey The case of Finding Nemo
What are the steps in the Hero’s Journey? The Ordinary World Call to Adventure Refusal of the Call Meeting with the Mentor Crossing the First Threshold Tests, Allies, and Enemies Approach Ordeal Reward The Road Back Resurrection Return with “Elixir”
Hero’s Journey- It is a cycle!
The Heroic Cycle – Finding Nemo Our hero: Marlin
Home (The Ordinary World) Oriented Familiar Established identity Status Known Satisfied purposeful Setting/ Character First Day of School
The Call to Adventure/Refusal of Call Voluntary or involuntary Called upon to do something Why our hero goes on the adventure
Preparation (Meeting with Mentor) Prepare mentally and/or physically Prepare materials food, water, weapons, etc Get allies to go on journey with you
Crossing the First Threshold Geographical Psychological POINT OF NO RETURN! Leaving comfort zone Watch this clip of the movie to see how several of the steps play out in just a few short minutes!
The Road of Tests, Allies, and Enemies Physical and psychological tests Tests/ordeals/trials Initiations Demons/monsters Obstacles/barriers There may be many of these!
Trials in Finding Nemo
Ordeal Reward Despair Hit rock bottom No hope Loss of identity, direction, etc. Saved by another character or gift Revelation/epiphany
Two Major Ordeals Rewards
Rewards in Finding Nemo Jellyfish field It looked like Marlin’s bravery ended with the death of Dory and maybe himself. Yet, as grim as it looked, sea turtles rescue them, bring them back to health. Swallowed by whale (this is the big moment) Saved by Dory (and Marlin ‘letting go’) Has revelation/epiphany
Resurrection Physical/Psychological Acceptance New perspective Become a better person Learns to let go. Understands how to love, care, and trust.
The Return with “Elixer” Arrive back home Achieve goal Because of transformation
The “Elixer” Internal or external Knowledge/abilities Wisdom/values Materials/wealth Alliances Qualities
Home Return back to the start but with a better life because of the journey. Notice how we have come full circle, but our hero has learned his lesson.