Autumn Term Year 6 Topic Grids
Experiences, feelings and ideas Art/Images/Artefacts Scripture Isaiah 40:1-5, 9-11,28-31 Here is your God Psalm 23, God is a Shepherd Psalm 136, How God will look after us Sacraments Baptism- initiated into God’s family Christian Beliefs God is a loving Father who will always care for His people. Hymns Oh God you search me and you know me The Lord is my shepherd Everyday God Prayers/Tradition Psalms and Litanies Our Father Bishop as a Shepherd of the Diocese Year 6 - Loving LF1-6 Christian Life; Beliefs and Values Love Family Unity Tolerance Belonging Forgives Self-Giving Sacrifice Experiences, feelings and ideas How does a Dad show that he cares for his children? What does it feel like to be loved? How do you that you are loved? Does a Father always love his children? Art/Images/Artefacts Images of Love and Fatherhood
- Response to being called Christian Beliefs Scripture Mark 16:15 – “Go out to the world” Genesis 12:1-4 Abraham responding to God’s call Luke 5:26-27, Mark 2:14, Mark 1:16-20, Matthew 9:9, Matthew 4:19-22 – Christ said “Follow me” to disciples Sacraments Holy Orders Baptism Confirmation - Response to being called Christian Beliefs All of us are called by God We share Christ’s vocation Spread the God News Hymns Follow Me Go out to the world Prayers/Tradition The priest is God’s messenger – Benedict XVI To pray and to love God… - John Vianney YEAR 6 Vocation and Commitment LF1-6 Christian Life; Beliefs and Values Mission Faith Sharing gifts/talents Advice/Guidance Self-giving Dedication Commitment Love Experiences, feelings and ideas How does our/your priest help you? What qualities does your priest have? Do you have any of these qualities? Art/Images/Artefacts Image of John Vianney
Experiences, feelings and ideas Art/Images/Artefacts Scripture 1Cor 16:13-14 - expectations for Christians in Advent 1Cor 16:22 – Maranatha Isaiah prophesies and fulfillment in NT's%20Messianic%20Prophecies.htm Sacraments Words of the Mass – Our Father, mystery of faith etc. Christian Beliefs Jesus as Messiah/Saviour Emmanuel – God is with us Incarnation – word become flesh Fulfilment of scripture Parousia – Second coming Hymns Maranatha When is He coming When He comes O Come O Come Emmanuel Wait for the Lord (Taize) Prayers/Tradition Our Father – “as we wait in joyful hope…” The Creed “He will come again in glory..” Advent as a time of waiting/preparing YEAR 6 EXPECTATIONS LF 1-6 Christian Life; Beliefs and Values Patience Hope Charity Trust/keeping promises Experiences, feelings and ideas Have you ever had to be patient and wait for something you wanted? Did you have to make any preparations before it arrived? How did it feel when you finally received it? Art/Images/Artefacts Advent wreath/calendar