Class Selections School Year: 2017-2018
Registration Changes Juniors: Cannot go to Bridgerland No Fashion Design Studio Welding Tech Intermediate (New) Ag Systems 1 is now open to Juniors WSU Introduction to Emergency Medical Responder Seniors Western Lit. reinstated if there is enough students to take Ag Vet Class (replacing Adv. Animal Science) This class does not count for a science class Welding Tech Intermediate (NEW) Ag Systems 1 now open to seniors WSU Introduction to Emergency Medical Responder No Fashion Design Studio
AP (Advanced Placement) AP History AP English and Literature AP Chemistry AP Statistics No Minimum GPA 3 Trimesters Freshmen College Course College Credit: Must pass AP Test with a score of 3, 4, or 5
Concurrent Enrollment Minimum GPA 3.0 Non-refundable application USU: $50.00 Weber State: $30.00 Fee Per College Credit $5.00 flat fee for each college credit Example: 3 credit class = $15.00/4 credit class = $20.00 Late Fee: $100 Fee Waivers—DO NOT APPLY Final Grade of C or above for college credit
NCAA Division 1 Core Course Requirements 4 years Language Arts 3 years of Math (Secondary Math 1 or higher) 2 years of natural/physical science—one being a lab science 1 year of additional English, Math or Natural/Physical Science 2 years of Social Sciences 4 years of additional courses (from the any area above, foreign language or non-doctrinal comparative religion/philosophy)
Regent’s Scholarship Language Arts—4 credits Math—4 credits (progressive) Secondary Math 1, 2, 3 and USU 1050 or AP Calculus or AP Stats or Pre- Calculus Science—3 credits Biology Chemistry Physics/Physics with Tech Social Sciences—3.5 Credits Geography, World Civilization U. S. History, U.S. Government Plus one additional credit USU Psychology 1010 (1 credit) Current Issues Psychology Sociology World Civilizations (the one not taken as a sophomore) Foreign Language—2 credits 2 credits of the same language from 9th -12th grades :Chinese, French, Spanish
Credit Recovery Options Northern Utah Testing Center Opportunity to test out by demonstrating competency See counselor for more information Credit recovery at BRHS $60 per .5 credit; $30 Per .25 credit Usually 4 sessions plus 2 weeks in summer during school year Northridge Learning Center $100 per .5 credit; $50 per .25 credit BYU Independent Study Prices begin at $148 per .5 credit Statewide Online Education Program More information at Cory Kanth—Program Specialist 801-538-7660
a math or science or both Seniors Don’t forget Every senior must take a math or science or both
Language Arts Juniors—1.0 credit Seniors—1.0 credit Language Arts 12 (A and B) USU English 1010 USU English 2200 (does not count for Regents) AP (if didn’t take in 11th grade) Fantastic English Western Literature Business Communication Journalism Debate Language Arts 11 A and B AP English Literature and Composition (A, B and C) Must choose 2 classes
Social Science Juniors—1.0 credit Seniors--.5 credit U.S. History (A and B) AP History (A, B and C) Along with History, Juniors can also take USU Government and Politics 1100 U.S. Government USU Government & Politics 1100
Foundation Classes: Need 2 credits from different categories Science Foundation Classes: Need 2 credits from different categories Category 1: Earth Systems Category 2: Biology or Ag. Biology Category 3: Chemistry Category 4: Physics or Physics with Tech Additional Science Ag Science (BRMS) Animal Science Natural Resource Science USU PSC 1800 (Horticulture) Medical Anatomy and Physiology Principles of Engineering Any of the foundation classes that haven’t been taken
Math Juniors (1 credit) Seniors (1.0 credit) Secondary Math 3 or 3 Honors If not taking Math 3—then need A parent to sign an opt out form. Then Student can take: Math of Personal Finance Accounting Secondary Math 3 or 3 Honors PRE-calculus Math of Personal Finance AP Calculus USU Math 1050 AP Statistics USU Math 1040 (if USU offers it next year. Needs at least a grade of “C” in every trimester of Math 1, 2 and 3) Opt Out Form Available in Counseling Center
Financial Literacy Art Take as a junior or senior General Financial Literacy USU BUS 1021 3 classes before graduation Performing Arts: Boys/Girls Chorus, Concert Choir, Madrigals Fine Arts Foundation of art must be taken before: Ceramics Drawing Painting Sculpture