Manage References for Your Thesis/Dissertation Xiaoguang Ma Ph.D. Candidate in Epidemiology EPID 745, April 23, 2013
Outline From the very beginning Endnote or Reference Manager or else Establish your library Edit references Edit styles Work with MS Word Tips
From the very beginning Sooner, better Mark every paper related Your personal library Store the pdfs in the right places You may need a notebook Organize your binders Not only for your thesis or dissertation, think it for your future career
Endnote or Reference Manager VS RefMan > EndNote Offers network features with simultaneous read/write access to databases (multi-users) RefMan < EndNote Find full-text automatically More filters More fields Have Mac version More output styles Automatically search updated reference info
Establish your library Ways to import refs Manually enter From PubMed From Web of Science From RefMan From Endnote From Google Scholar
Edit references In the library From MS Word References from different sources Correct the errors ASAP Access date/URL
Edit styles Choose the style (journal) you need Many styles are out-of-update, edit them I prefer to create my own style
Work with MS Word {last name 2000} or any key words Generate the bibliography Thesis/dissertation: (author year). Edit references Create travel library Always save a version with ref codes
Tips Find full-text Never edit on the reference list in MS Word From Endnote From Google Scholar From PubMed, USC e-text, ILL Never edit on the reference list in MS Word Always have a backup copy
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