Event Name Here 12/02/2007 Government Gateway Transition and Transformation Brief for Software Developers Jan 2017 Project Name: HMRC v1.8
Introduction - Changes to the Government Gateway 2016 - 2018 Event Name Here 12/02/2007 Introduction - Changes to the Government Gateway 2016 - 2018 This communication provides information on changes to the current Government Gateway service over the next two years, impacts on software developers and actions required. This presentation provides an update to the communication issued in July and October 2016. Update section headings are highlighted in bold italics Project Name: HMRC v1.8
Document submission protocol via transaction engine Event Name Here 12/02/2007 Project RATE (Replication of APIs for Transaction Engine) Document submission protocol via transaction engine The change HMRC is building a replacement Transaction Engine that will support those Government Gateway message classes defined in HMRC tech packs. The new transaction engine will replicate the Government Gateway Submission Protocol as defined at http://www.gov.uk/government/collections/government- gateway-support-for-software-developers. Impact on Software Developers {updated} Current domain names New domains Available from secure.dev.gateway.gov.uk test-transaction-engine.tax.service.gov.uk April 2017 Secure.gateway.gov.uk transaction-engine.tax.service.gov.uk August 2017 Change in the domain name of the URL for the Transaction Engine end point. The replacement interaction will give revised end points for poll and submission. If this is hard coded in your products, the URL will need to be changed. Software developers will need to change their product to use the new end point. A new VSIPS service will be provided to support integration testing. Timing will NOT support the annual year on year changes for relevant regimes ( PAYE inc. RTI and SA). Software developers will need to support an ‘in-year’ change. Project Name: HMRC v1.8
Project RATE (Replication of APIs for Transaction Engine) Event Name Here 12/02/2007 Project RATE (Replication of APIs for Transaction Engine) Document submission protocol via transaction engine Migration approach {updated} Migration will be by business service e.g. SA, CT, etc. The replacement transaction engine service will be run in parallel with the existing transaction engine to allow for testing (so you can assure yourselves that you get the same behaviour with the replacement functionality) and a managed migration. The expectation is that the migration will be conducted in 'staggers' by business service where each stagger will consist of: HMRC making available a coherent set of message classes in the new transaction engine. A set period of time in which test instances for both existing and new transaction engines service are available (VSIPS and new VSIPS). Software Developers migrate their products to the replacement transaction engine service. After a set period of time the message classes in the stagger are suspended in the existing Government Gateway after which any submissions for these message classes to the existing Government Gateway will result in rejection. The message classes will be suspended post each stagger. We aim to complete the replication of the transaction engine by Sep – Dec 2017 to support decommissioning of the Government Gateway in early 2018. We are targeting Apr – Sep 2017 for a replacement of the VSIPS service (secure.dev.gateway.gov.uk), and August – Oct 2017 for a replacement of the live service (secure.gateway.gov.uk). Timescales Project Name: HMRC v1.8
Project RATE (Replication of APIs for Transaction Engine) Event Name Here 12/02/2007 Project RATE (Replication of APIs for Transaction Engine) Document submission protocol via transaction engine Public Beta Phase What is expected from software developers between April 2017 and Sep 2017? Software developers will be asked to test their software against the new HMRC Transaction Engine in the External Test environment. A number of migration slots will be allocated. Each migration slot will have a start date and end date. In each migration slot HMRC will make available a coherent set of message classes in the new transaction engine. We will publish the details of the migration slot in the communication brief in early March. Software developers should exercise the Document Submission Protocol for Principals and Agents against the new endpoint by: Making submission requests Processing the returned submission acknowledgement Poll for the response Processing the returned business response Making a delete request Processing the returned delete response Making a data request (if supported by their product) Processing the returned data response Whilst this is exercising the 'happy path' vendors may also want to undertake some negative testing to assure the behaviour is as expected for their product(s). Test Approach Project Name: HMRC v1.8
Document submission protocol via transaction engine Event Name Here 12/02/2007 Project RATE (Replication of APIs for Transaction Engine) Document submission protocol via transaction engine ISV Test End Points for Public Beta What is the new endpoint for the test HMRC Transaction Engine service? The test HMRC Transaction Engine Service can be accessed using test- transaction-engine.tax.service.gov.uk endpoint. The following URI’s will be available: /submission - for submission requests, delete requests and data requests /poll - for poll requests Poll requests will not be accepted on the /submission URI Submission requests, delete requests or data requests will not be accepted on the /poll URI Note Govtalk envelop version Which GovTalk envelope versions will be accepted by the HMRC Messenger service? Only GovTalk envelope versions 1.0 and 2.0 will be accepted by the HMRC Messenger service. Project Name: HMRC v1.8
Project RATE (Replication of APIs for Transaction Engine) Event Name Here 12/02/2007 Project RATE (Replication of APIs for Transaction Engine) Document submission protocol via transaction engine The details on the updated Document Submission Protocol and where to find the documents will be provided in March 2017. A detailed plan, objectives and instructions for the Public beta phase [April –Sep 2017] will be provided in March 2017. A detailed view of the migration slots will be provided in March 2017. Next steps {updated} Project Name: HMRC v1.8
Background - Changes to the Government Gateway 2016 - 2018 Event Name Here 12/02/2007 Background - Changes to the Government Gateway 2016 - 2018 The Government Gateway developed in 2002 is nearing end of life and the current arrangements and support contract for it’s delivery will end by March 2018. HMRC currently uses Government Gateway to provide some functionality which needs to be migrated to the HMRC multi digital tax platform (MDTP) as part of the introduction of the new version of Government Gateway. This includes: Document submission protocol via transaction engine Enrolment management and Client-Agent relationship migration Government Gateway will be redeveloped and redesigned with the current version / technology of the service decommissioned and replaced with a new version (currently referred to as Government Gateway 3) providing improvements to security, design and usability. Project Name: HMRC v1.8